Probleme texte phpfreechat

chiapparin - 3 avril 2020 à 17:02
 chiapparin - 4 avril 2020 à 19:03
sur ma page le script version 2 est un peu lent
avec la version 1.7 c'est rapide par contre GROS probleme il n'affiche pas le texte
pouvez vous m'aider svp?

Configuration: Windows / Chrome 80.0.3987.149

3 réponses

je peux le configurer et le faire descendrejusqu'a 5.3
j'ai essayé de le mettre en 5.3 ca fait planter tout le site!

adresse du chat a changé c'est
sur le site du developpeur c'est ok!
jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650
3 avril 2020 à 17:13
Sans voir le code... impossible de te répondre

NB: Pour poster ton code, merci d'utiliser les balises de code
Explications disponibles ici :

NB² : Si le code provient d'un "module" tout fait que tu as choppé sur le net... regarde sur le site de l'éditeur sil y a un forum ou un service d'aide.
merci jordane45

voici le code:


require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/src/phpfreechat.class.php";
$params = array();
$params["serverid"]       = md5(__FILE__); // calculate a unique id for this chat
$params["title"]          = "A simple chat with user's parameters";
$params["nick"]           = "guest";  // setup the intitial nickname
$params["frozen_nick"]    = true;     // do not allow to change the nickname
$params["shownotice"]     = 3;        // 0 = nothing, 1 = just nickname changes, 2 = connect/quit, 3 = nick + connect/quit
$params["max_nick_len"]   = 20;       // nickname length could not be longer than 10 caracteres
$params["max_text_len"]   = 300;      // a message cannot be longer than 50 caracteres
$params["max_channels"]   = 3;        // limit the number of joined channels tab to 3
$params["max_privmsg"]    = 1;        // limit the number of private message tab to 1
$params["refresh_delay"]  = 10000;    // chat refresh speed is 10 secondes (10000ms)
$params["max_msg"]        = 15;       // max message in the history is 15 (message seen when reloading the chat)
$params["height"]         = "230px";  // height of chat area is 230px
$params["debug"]          = true;     // activate debug console
$params["connect_at_startup"] = false;
$params["start_minimized"]    = true;
$params["nickmarker"]     = false;
$params["clock"]          = false;
//$params["data_private_path"] = "/dev/shm/mychat"; // specify a special directory to write data on a tmpfs ramdisk (only work on linux)

$chat = new phpFreeChat( $params );

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <title>phpFreeChat- Sources Index</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" title="classic" type="text/css" href="style/generic.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" title="classic" type="text/css" href="style/header.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" title="classic" type="text/css" href="style/footer.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" title="classic" type="text/css" href="style/menu.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" title="classic" type="text/css" href="style/content.css" />  

<div class="header">
      <img alt="phpFreeChat" src="style/logo.gif" class="logo2" />

<div class="menu">
        <li class="sub title">General</li>
          <ul class="sub">
            <li class="item">
              <a href="demo/">Demos</a>
            <?php if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)."/checkmd5.php")) { ?>
              <a href="checkmd5.php">Check md5</a>
            <?php } ?>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="admin/">Administration</a>
        <li class="sub title">Documentation</li>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">Overview</a>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">Quickstart</a>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">Parameters list</a>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">FAQ</a>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">Advanced configuration</a>
            <li class="item">
              <a href="">Customize</a>
      <p class="partner">
        <a href=""><img alt="" src="style/logo_88x31.gif" /></a><br/>

<div class="content">
  <?php $chat->printChat(); ?>
  <?php if (isset($params["isadmin"]) && $params["isadmin"]) { ?>
    <p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Warning: because of "isadmin" parameter, everybody is admin. Please modify this script before using it on production servers !</p>
  <?php } ?>

<div class="footer">
  <span class="partners">-</span>

jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650 > chiapparin
3 avril 2020 à 23:09
Visiblement, tu n'as pas lu entièrement le lien que je t'ai donné :

Tu n'as pas indiqué le LANGAGE dans les balises de code.... ce qui aurait rendu ton code plus lisible sur le forum !

Pour finir, le code que tu nous montres n'a aucun intéret....
le code du chat étant généré via la class contenue dans le fichier phpfreechat.class.php

Ce qui me laisse penser que tu n'as pas écrit ce code... mais téléchargé quelque part.
Je t'invite donc à contacter le développeur de ce script
chiapparin > jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024
4 avril 2020 à 00:11
merci pour la réponse
Oui c'est un script dispo sur le web phpfreechat
Malheureusement il est très ancien et le développeur n'est plus joignable
jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650 > chiapparin
4 avril 2020 à 00:14
Ben montre le code de la class au moins...
chiapparin > jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024
Modifié le 4 avril 2020 à 13:48
 * phpfreechat.class.php
 * Copyright © 2006 Stephane Gully <***@***>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 * Lesser General Public License for more details. 
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfccommand.class.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfcglobalconfig.class.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfcuserconfig.class.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfctemplate.class.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/utf8/utf8_substr.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfcresponse.class.php';

 * phpFreeChat is the entry point for developpers
 * @example ../demo/demo1_simple.php
 * @author Stephane Gully <***@***>
class phpFreeChat
  function phpFreeChat( &$params )
    if (!is_array($params))
      die('phpFreeChat parameters must be an array');
    // initialize the global config object
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance( $params );

    // need to initiate the user config object here because it uses sessions
    $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance();

    // this code is used to handle the AJAX call and build the response
    if (isset($_REQUEST['pfc_ajax']))
      $function = isset($_REQUEST['f']) ? $_REQUEST['f'] : '';
      $cmd      = isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['cmd']) : '';
      $r = null;
      if ($function && method_exists($this,$function))
        require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfcresponse.class.php';
        $r =& $this->$function($cmd);
      echo $r->getOutput();

   * depreciated
  function printJavaScript( $return = false )
    $output = '';
    if ($return)
      return $output;
      echo $output;

   * depreciated
  function printStyle( $return = false )
    $output = '';
      return $output;
      echo $output;

   * printChat must be called somewhere in the page
   * it inserts necessary html which will receive chat's data
   * usage:
   *   <?php $chat->printChat(); ?>

  function printChat( $return = false )
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance();
    $output = '';

    if (count($c->getErrors()) > 0)
      $output .= "<p>phpFreeChat cannot be initialized, please correct these errors:</p><ul>";
      foreach( $c->getErrors() as $e ) $output .= "<li>".$e."</li>"; $output .= "</ul>";
      $path = $c->getFilePathFromTheme('chat.js.tpl.php');
      $t = new pfcTemplate($path);
      $output .= $t->getOutput();
      return $output;
      echo $output;

* Encode special caracteres and remove extra slashes

  static function FilterSpecialChar($str)
    return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_NOQUOTES);

* Just check the nicknames doesn't start with spaces and is not longer than the max_nick_len

  static function FilterNickname($nickname)
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    //$nickname = str_replace("\\", "", $nickname); // '\' is a forbidden charactere for nicknames
    $nickname = trim($nickname);
    $nickname = utf8_substr($nickname, 0, $c->max_nick_len);
    return $nickname;

* search/replace smileys

  static function FilterSmiley($msg)
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    // build a preg_replace array
    $search = array();
    $replace = array();
    $query = "/(";
    foreach($c->smileys as $s_file => $s_strs)
      foreach ($s_strs as $s_str)
        $s_str = stripslashes($s_str); /* the :'( smileys needs this filter */
       $query .= preg_quote($s_str,'/')."|";
       $search[] = "/".preg_quote($s_str,'/')."/";
       $replace[] = '<img src="'.$s_file.'" alt="'.$s_str.'" title="'.$s_str.'" />';
    $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);
    $query .= ")/i";

    $split_words = preg_split($query, $msg, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    $msg = "";
    foreach($split_words as $word)
      $msg .= preg_replace($search, $replace, $word);
    return $msg;


* Filter messages before they are sent to container

  static function PreFilterMsg($msg)
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    if (preg_match("/^\[/i",$msg))
      // add 25 characteres if the message starts with [ : means there is a bbcode
      $msg = utf8_substr($msg, 0, $c->max_text_len+25);
      $msg = utf8_substr($msg, 0, $c->max_text_len);
    $msg = phpFreeChat::FilterSpecialChar($msg);
    //    $msg = phpFreeChat::FilterSmiley($msg);

    /*    if ($msg[0] == "\n") $msg = substr($msg, 1); */ // delete the first \n generated by FF
    /* if (strpos($msg,"\n") > 0) $msg  = "<br/>".$msg;
    $msg = str_replace("\r\n", "<br/>", $msg);
    $msg = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $msg);
    $msg = str_replace("\t", "    ", $msg);*/
    //$msg = str_replace("  ", "  ", $msg);
    //    $msg = preg_replace('/(http\:\/\/[^\s]*)/i',  "<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>", $msg );
    return $msg;


* Filter messages when they are recived from container

  static function PostFilterMsg($msg)
    //$c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    //    $msg = preg_replace('/('.preg_quote($c->nick,'/').')/i', "<strong>$1</strong>", $msg );
    $msg = preg_replace('/\n/i', "", $msg );
    return $msg;

  function &handleRequest($request)
    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance();

    if ($c->debug) ob_start(); // capture output
    $xml_reponse = new pfcResponse();

    // check the command
    $cmdstr      = "";
    $cmdname     = "";
    $clientid    = "";
    $recipient   = "";
    $recipientid = "";
    $param       = "";
    $sender      = "";

    $res = pfcCommand::ParseCommand($request);

    $cmdstr      = isset($res['cmdstr']) ? $res['cmdstr'] : $request;
    $cmdname     = strtolower(isset($res['cmdname']) ? $res['cmdname'] : '');
    $clientid    = isset($res['params'][0]) ? $res['params'][0] : '';
    $recipientid = isset($res['params'][1]) ? $res['params'][1] : "";
    $params      = array_slice(is_array($res['params']) ? $res['params'] : array() ,2);
    $param       = implode(" ",$params); // to keep compatibility (will be removed)
    $sender      = $u->getNickname();
    // translate the recipientid to the channel name
    if (isset($u->channels[$recipientid]))
      $recipient = $u->channels[$recipientid]["recipient"];
    if (isset($u->privmsg[$recipientid]))
      $recipient = $u->privmsg[$recipientid]["recipient"];

      // @todo: move this code in a proxy
      if ($cmdname != "update" &&
          $cmdname != "leave" &&  // do not open the pv tab when other user close the tab
          $cmdname != "quit" &&
    $cmdname != "nocensor" &&
          $cmdname != "privmsg2")
        // alert the other from the new pv
        // (warn other user that someone talk to him)

        $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance();
        $nickidtopv = $u->privmsg[$recipientid]["pvnickid"];
        $cmdstr = 'privmsg2';
        $cmdp = array();
        $cmdp['param']    = $u->nickid;//$sender;
        $cmdp['params'][] = $u->nickid;//$sender;
        pfcCommand::AppendCmdToPlay($nickidtopv, $cmdstr, $cmdp);


    $cmdp = array();
    $cmdp["clientid"]    = $clientid;
    $cmdp["sender"]      = $sender;
    $cmdp["recipient"]   = $recipient;
    $cmdp["recipientid"] = $recipientid;
    // before playing the wanted command
    // play the found commands into the meta 'cmdtoplay'
    pfcCommand::RunPendingCmdToPlay($u->nickid, $cmdp, $xml_reponse);    
    // play the wanted command
    $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory($cmdname);
    $cmdp["param"]       = $param;
    $cmdp["params"]      = $params;
    if ($cmd != NULL)
      // call the command
      if ($c->debug)
       $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
       @$cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
      $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory("error");
      $cmdp = array();
      $cmdp["clientid"]    = $clientid;
      $cmdp["param"]       = _pfc("Unknown command [%s]",stripslashes("/".$cmdname." ".$param));
      $cmdp["sender"]      = $sender;
      $cmdp["recipient"]   = $recipient;
      $cmdp["recipientid"] = $recipientid;
      if ($c->debug)
        $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
        @$cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
    // do not update twice
    // do not update when the user just quit
    if ($cmdname != "update" &&
       $cmdname != "quit" &&
       $u->nickid != '')
      // force an update just after a command is sent
      // thus the message user just poster is really fastly displayed
      $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory("update");
      $cmdp = array();
      $cmdp["clientid"]    = $clientid;
      $cmdp["param"]       = $param;
      $cmdp["sender"]      = $sender;
      $cmdp["recipient"]   = $recipient;
      $cmdp["recipientid"] = $recipientid;
      if ($c->debug)
       $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
       @$cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
    if ($c->debug)
      // capture echoed content
      // if a content not empty is captured it is a php error in the code
      $data = ob_get_contents();
      if ($data != "")
        // todo : display the $data somewhere to warn the user

    // do nothing else if the xml response is empty in order to save bandwidth
    if ($xml_reponse->getCommandCount() == 0) die();
    return $xml_reponse;

  function &loadStyles($theme = 'default', &$xml_reponse)
    if ($xml_reponse == null) $xml_reponse = new pfcResponse();

    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();

    // do not overload the theme parameter as long as 
    // the ajax request do not give the correct one
    //    $c->theme = $theme;

    $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance();

    $js = '';//file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/client/createstylerule.js');
    $js .= 'var c = $H();';
    $path = $c->getFilePathFromTheme('style.css.php');
    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/ctype/ctype.php'; // to keep compatibility for php without ctype support
    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/csstidy-1.2/class.csstidy.php';
    $css = new csstidy();

    $css_code = '';
    $t = new pfcTemplate();
    if (!$c->isDefaultFile('style.css.php'))
      $css_code .= $t->getOutput();
    $css_code .= $t->getOutput();

    foreach($css->css as $k => $v)
      foreach($v as $k2 => $v2)
        $rules = '';
        foreach($v2 as $k3 => $v3)
          $rules .= $k3.':'.$v3.';';
        $js .= "c.set('".$k2."', '".str_replace("\n", "", $rules)."');\n";
    $js .= "var pfccss = new pfcCSS(); var k = c.keys(); c.each(function (a) { pfccss.applyRule(a[0],a[1]); });";
    return $xml_reponse;

  function &loadScripts($theme, &$xml_reponse)
    if ($xml_reponse == null) $xml_reponse = new pfcResponse();

    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();
    $js = '';

    // load customize.js.php
    $path = $c->getFilePathFromTheme('customize.js.php');
    $t = new pfcTemplate($path);
    $js .= $t->getOutput();

    // load translations
    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfcjson.class.php';
    $json = new pfcJSON();

    $labels_to_load =
      array( "Do you really want to leave this room ?", // _pfc
             "Are you sure you want to close this tab ?", // _pfc
             "Hide nickname marker", // _pfc
             "Show nickname marker", // _pfc
             "Hide dates and hours", // _pfc
             "Show dates and hours", // _pfc
             "Disconnect", // _pfc
             "Connect", // _pfc
             "Magnify", // _pfc
             "Cut down", // _pfc
             "Hide smiley box", // _pfc
             "Show smiley box", // _pfc
             "Hide online users box", // _pfc
             "Show online users box", // _pfc
             "Please enter your nickname", // _pfc
             "Private message", // _pfc
             "Close this tab", // _pfc
             "Enter your message here", // _pfc
             "Enter your nickname here", // _pfc
             "Bold", // _pfc
             "Italics", // _pfc
             "Underline", // _pfc
             "Delete", // _pfc
             "Mail", // _pfc
             "Color", // _pfc
             "PHP FREE CHAT [powered by phpFreeChat-%s]", // _pfc
             "Enter the text to format", // _pfc
             "Configuration has been rehashed", // _pfc
             "A problem occurs during rehash", // _pfc
             "Chosen nickname is already used", // _pfc
             "phpfreechat current version is %s", // _pfc
             "Maximum number of joined channels has been reached", // _pfc
             "Maximum number of private chat has been reached", // _pfc
             "Click here to send your message", // _pfc
             "Send", // _pfc
             "You are not allowed to speak to yourself", // _pfc
             "Close", // _pfc
             "Chosen nickname is not allowed", // _pfc
             "Enable sound notifications", // _pfc
             "Disable sound notifications", // _pfc
             "Input Required", // _pfc
             "OK", // _pfc
             "Cancel", // _pfc
             "You are trying to speak to a unknown (or not connected) user", // _pfc
             "Sorry %s couldn't be found", // _pfc
    foreach($labels_to_load as $l)
      $js .= "pfc.res.setLabel(".$json->encode($l).",".$json->encode(_pfc2($l)).");\n";

    // load ressources
    $fileurl_to_load =
      array( 'images/ch.gif',
    foreach($fileurl_to_load as $f)
      $js .= "pfc.res.setFileUrl(".$json->encode($f).",\"".$c->getFileUrlFromTheme($f)."\");\n";

    foreach($c->smileys as $s_file => $s_str) { 
      for($j = 0; $j<count($s_str) ; $j++) {
        $js .= "pfc.res.setSmiley(".$json->encode($s_str[$j]).",\"".$c->getFileUrlFromTheme($s_file)."\");\n";
    $js .= '
if (pfc_connect_at_startup) pfc.connect_disconnect();
    return $xml_reponse;

  function loadInterface($theme = 'default', &$xml_reponse)
    if ($xml_reponse == null) $xml_reponse = new pfcResponse();

    $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance();

    // do not overload the theme parameter as long as 
    // the ajax request do not give the correct one
    //    $c->theme = $theme;
    $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance();

    $html = '';

    //    pfcI18N::SwitchOutputEncoding($c->output_encoding);

    $path = $c->getFilePathFromTheme('chat.html.tpl.php');
    $t = new pfcTemplate($path);
    $html .= $t->getOutput();

    //    pfcI18N::SwitchOutputEncoding();
    $xml_reponse->remove('pfc_loader'); // to hide the loading box
    $xml_reponse->update('pfc_container', $html);

    return $xml_reponse;    

  function &loadChat($theme = 'default')
    $xml_reponse = new pfcResponse();

    return $xml_reponse;    


jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650
4 avril 2020 à 15:45
Quelle version de PHP utilises tu ?

quelle version de php peut tourner sur le serveur de mon hébergeur ou quelle est la version php du script?
jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650 > chiapparin
4 avril 2020 à 15:50
La version PHP qui tourne sur le serveur... vu que c'est lui qui exécute le code....
Si tu ne sais pas, tu peux créer un fichier à la racine de ton site et y mettre le code

Ensuite tu affiches la page... et tu y cherches la version de php.
chiapparin > jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024
4 avril 2020 à 18:49
vous avez trouvé! version 5.6 ça fonctionne et pas en7.4
qu'est ce que je risque a le laisser en 5. 6?
jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024 4 650 > chiapparin
4 avril 2020 à 18:59
Le 7 est plus performant. Donc ne touche à rien
chiapparin > jordane45 Messages postés 38145 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 25 avril 2024
4 avril 2020 à 19:03
mais mon script ne tourne pas!
existe t'il un logiciel qui changerait le code du script en 7.4?