3G Internet with Cisco HWIC-3G-GSM

werner - 4 sept. 2008 à 13:39
 darkenergy - 2 janv. 2009 à 16:03

I have a Cisco 1841 router with an HWIC-3G-GSM card in it. This card is basically a Sierra Wireless MC8775 modem on a Cisco HWIC card. My task is to make the router connect to a site in the US via a 3G connection. Once I can ping the server in the US, I think I can figure out the rest of the configuration from there. But I am a bit lost as to the first step - in large part because I don't speak French and all the information on the websites of the mobile providers I have looked at (SFR, Orange) is in French only.

I very much hope some kind soul who speaks English (or German!) will read this posting and help get me going in the right direction!

I have found some information on how to configure the Cisco card on an Australian site:

From this I understand I need to create "profile" in which I configure an Access Point Name (APN) and then I neeed to get the modem to make a "data call" to this APN.

I have a SIM card from SFR that's presently in a mobile phone and that I can take out and put into the SIM slot on the HWIC-3G-GSM card for testing this out. But to make it usable for data connections, I probably have to change the subscription with SFR. I saw that there is a cheap option "PASS SURF WEB 10Mo" for just 5 Euros/month that I could perhaps activate for testing this out - but I don't know whether this would really enable me to open a TCP/IP connection to an arbitrary IP address in the US or whether this is maybe just for browsing websites on some kind of portal that SFR operates!?

In any event, for this to have any chance of working, I definitely need to know the Access Point Name (for SFR) that I need to configure on the Cisco modem!!!! And I have not been able to find this information anywhere!

Thank you very much for any and all responses!


1 réponse

May be a bit late but try 'websfr'