Patch php

scania500 - 20 août 2009 à 14:30
Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 - 20 août 2009 à 15:12
Bonjour,j'ai un petit probleme je voudrais mettre sur mon site le patch (qui est en ligne),donc je telecharge le patch et le probleme c'est que si je change le fichier viewtopic sur mon ftp ca marche mais il me retire mon autre patch reponse rapide.Donc j'ai essayer de les fusionner avec le logiciel WINMERGE mais cela ne fonctionne pas merci de m'aider pour ce probleme car j'ai des autres fichier aussi en attente pour faire pareil amicalement scania500.
A voir également:

13 réponses

Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 62
20 août 2009 à 14:33
De quel patch tu parles...
Je voudrais fusionner 2 fichiers php ensemble,car j'ai sur mon site un patch (qui est en ligne) et je voudrais mettre aussi un patch (reponse rapide) mais le probleme quand j installe un patch l'autre ce retire car le fichier a installer et viewtopic et les 2 patch on un fichier viewtopic donc j'essai de les fusionner avec WINMERGE mais ca fonctionne pas voila j'epere que c'est clair et excuser moi de mal m'exprimer cordialement.
Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 62
20 août 2009 à 14:47
Bah je suis désolé car moi je ne comprends rien du tout... En espérant pour toi que quelqu'un d'autre comprenne...
Bin c'est simple pourtant je m'exprime quand meme xd.

j'ai 2 fichier viewtopic.php 1 s'appel (reponse rapide) et l'autre (qui est en ligne) et je voudrais mettre les 2 patchs ensemble mais cela n'est pas possible car quand je l'installe le patch (qui est en ligne) automatiquement il me vire le patch (reponse rapide) puisque c'est les meme fichier ,donc je cherche un moyen de mettre les codes de reponse rapide sur le fichier php de (qui est en ligne) voila c'est bon là j'espere xd ^^.

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 62
20 août 2009 à 14:59
Pourquoi ne pas intégrer le code du patch dans celui en ligne ?
c'est ça que je cherche a faire mais pas moyen.Je les fait avec lelogiciel WINMERGE mais ça va pas .
Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 62
20 août 2009 à 15:03
Pourquoi te servir d'un logiciel ?

Ouvres tes fichiers avec bloc-note et balances nous les codes PHP !
premier code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
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// This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
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if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK"))
die ("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">You cannot open this page directly</div>");

global $nuked, $user, $language, $theme, $thread_id, $forum_id, $p, $vote, $highlight;

translate("modules/Forum/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php");


if (!$user)
$visiteur = 0;
$visiteur = $user[1];
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
$nb_mess_for_mess = $nuked[mess_forum_page];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom, moderateurs, cat, level FROM " . FORUM_TABLE . " WHERE " . $visiteur . " >= niveau AND id = '" . $forum_id . "'");
$level_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql);

$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT titre, view, closed, annonce, last_post, auteur_id, sondage FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$topic_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql2);

if ($level_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOACCESSFORUM . "</div><br /><br />";
else if ($topic_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOTOPICEXIST . "</div><br /><br />";
list($nom, $modos, $cat, $level) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$nom = stripslashes($nom);
$nom = htmlentities($nom);

$sql_cat = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . FORUM_CAT_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $cat . "'");
list($cat_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cat);
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
$cat_name = htmlentities($cat_name);

if ($user && $modos != "" && ereg($user[0], $modos))
$administrator = 1;
$administrator = 0;

list($titre, $read, $closed, $annonce, $lastpost, $topic_aid, $sondage) = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
$titre = stripslashes($titre);
$titre = htmlentities($titre);
$titre = nk_CSS($titre);

$upd = mysql_query("UPDATE " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " SET view = view + 1 WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");

$sql_next = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post > " . $lastpost. " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post LIMIT 0, 1");
list($nextid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_next);

if ($nextid != "")
$next = "<small><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $nextid . "\">" . _NEXTTHREAD . "</a> ></small>";

$sql_last = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post < " . $lastpost . " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
list($lastid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_last);

if ($lastid != "")
$prev = "<small>< <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $lastid . "\">" . _LASTTHREAD . "</a> </small>";

echo "<br /><a name=\"top\"></a><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><big><b>" . $titre . "</b></big></td><td align=\"right\">" . $prev . " " . $next . "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum\"><b>" . _INDEXFORUM . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&cat=" . $cat . "\"><b>" . $cat_name . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewforum&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><b>" . $nom . "</b></a>\n";

$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT thread_id FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql3);

if (!$p) $p = 1;
$start = $p * $nb_mess_for_mess - $nb_mess_for_mess;

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
echo "<br /><br />\n";
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr></table>\n"
. "<table style=\"background: " . $color3 . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n";

if ($sondage == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color2 . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";

$sql_poll = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre FROM " . FORUM_POLL_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
list($poll_id, $question) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_poll);
$question = stripslashes($question);
$question = htmlentities($question);

if ($user && $topic_aid == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=edit_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _EDITPOLL . "\" /></a> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELPOLL . "\" /></a> </div>\n";

$check = mysql_query("SELECT auteur_ip FROM " . FORUM_VOTE_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($check);

if ($user && $test > 0 || $vote == "view")
echo "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
$nbcount = 0;

while (list($option_vote) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$nbcount = $nbcount + $option_vote;

$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($optioncount, $option_text) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res))
$optiontext = stripslashes($option_text);
$optiontext = htmlentities($option_text);

if ($nbcount <> 0)
$etat = ($optioncount * 100) / $nbcount ;
$etat = 0;

$pourcent_arrondi = round($etat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $optiontext . "</td><td>";

if ($etat < 1)
$width = 2;
$width = $etat * 2;

if (is_file("themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif"))
$img = "themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif";
$img = "modules/Forum/images/bar.gif";

echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $pourcent_arrondi . "%\" /> " . $pourcent_arrondi . "% (" . $optioncount . ")</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr></tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>" . _TOTALVOTE . " : </b>" . $nbcount . "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=vote&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "\">\n"
. "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT id, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($voteid, $optiontext) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$optiontext = stripslashes($optiontext);
$optiontext = htmlentities($optiontext);

echo "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"voteid\" value=\"" . $voteid . "\" /> " . $optiontext . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"" . $forum_id . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"thread_id\" value=\"" . $thread_id . "\" /></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _TOVOTE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _RESULT . "\" onclick=\"document.location='index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&vote=view'\" /></td></tr></table></form>\n";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr " . $background . "><td style=\"width: 25%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _AUTHOR . "</b></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _MESSAGE . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre, auteur, auteur_id, auteur_ip, txt, date, edition, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, cssoff, usersig, file FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' ORDER BY date ASC limit " . $start . ", " . $nb_mess_for_mess);
while (list($mess_id, $title, $auteur, $auteur_id, $auteur_ip, $txt, $date, $edition, $bbcodeoff, $smileyoff, $cssoff, $usersig, $fichier) = mysql_fetch_row($sql4))
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$auteur = stripslashes($auteur);

if ($highlight != "")
$string = trim($highlight);
$search = explode(" ", $string);

for($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++)
$words = preg_quote($search[$i]);
$title = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">" . $words . "</span>", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "[color= #FF0000][b]" . $words . "/b/color", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>" . $words . "</b></span>", $txt);


$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$title = eregi_replace("<", "<", $title);
$title = eregi_replace(">", ">", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = htmlentities($txt);
$txt = htmlentities($txt, ENT_NOQUOTES);

$txt = eregi_replace("<", "<", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace(">", ">", $txt);

if ($cssoff == 0)
$title = nk_CSS($title);
$txt = nk_CSS($txt);
$auteur = nk_CSS($auteur);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0) $txt = BBcode($txt);
if ($smileyoff == 0) $txt = icon($txt);

if (strftime("%d %m %Y", time()) == strftime("%d %m %Y", $date)) $date = _FTODAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else if (strftime("%d", $date) == (strftime("%d", time()) - 1) && strftime("%m %Y", time()) == strftime("%m %Y", $date)) $date = _FYESTERDAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else $date = _THE . " " . strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);

$tmpcnt++ % 2 == 1 ? $color = $color1 : $color = $color2;

echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"top\"><a name=\"" . $mess_id . "\"></a>";

if ($auteur_id != "")
$sq_user = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo, niveau, rang, avatar, signature, date, email, icq, msn, aim, yim, url, count FROM " . USER_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($sq_user);
list($autor, $user_level, $rang, $avatar, $signature, $date_member, $email, $icq, $msn, $aim, $yim, $homepage, $nb_post) = mysql_fetch_array($sq_user);

if ($test > 0 && $autor != "")
$date_member = strftime("%x", $date_member);

if ($signature != "")
$signature = stripslashes($signature);
$signature = nk_CSS($signature);
if ($signature_resize == "on") $signature = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/e", "resize_signature('\\1')", $signature);
$signature = BBcode($signature);

if ($fichier != "" && is_file("upload/Forum/" . $fichier))
$url_file = "upload/Forum/" . $fichier;
$filesize = filesize($url_file) / 1024;
$arrondi_size = ceil($filesize);
$file = explode(".", $fichier);
$ext = count($file)-1;

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
$del = " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_file&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/del.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELFILE . "\" /></a>";
$del = "";

$attach_file = "<br /><img src=\"modules/Forum/images/file.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _ATTACHFILE . "\" /><a href=\"" . $url_file . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _DOWNLOADFILE . "\">" . $fichier . "</a> (" . $arrondi_size . " Ko)" . $del;
$attach_file = "";

if ($modos != "" && ereg($auteur_id, $modos))
$auteur_modo = 1;
$auteur_modo = 0;

if ($rang > 0 && $nuked['forum_rank_team'] == "on")
$sql_rank_team = mysql_query("SELECT titre FROM " . TEAM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $rang . "'");
list($rank_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_rank_team);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);
$rank_image = "";
if ($user_level >= admin_mod("Forum"))
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 2");
else if ($auteur_modo == 1)
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 1");
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE " . $nb_post . " >= post AND type = 0 ORDER BY post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

list($rank_name, $rank_image) = mysql_fetch_array($user_rank);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);

echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\"><b>" . $autor . "</b></a><br />\n";

if ($rank_name != "")
echo $rank_name . "<br />\n";

if ($rank_image != "")
echo "<img src=\"" . $rank_image . "\" alt=\"\" /><br /><br />\n";

if ($avatar != "")
if ($avatar_resize == "off") $ar_ok = 0;
else if (eregi("http://", $avatar) && $avatar_resize == "local") $ar_ok = 0;
else $ar_ok = 1;

if (!eregi("%20", $avatar) && $ar_ok == 1) list($w, $h, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($avatar);
if ($w != "" && $w <= $avatar_width) $width = "width=\"" . $w . "\" ";
else if ($w != "") $width = "width=\"" . $avatar_width . "\" ";
else $width = "";
echo "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" " . $width . "alt=\"\" /><br />\n";

$online_connect = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . NBCONNECTE_TABLE . " WHERE user_id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
list($connect_id) = mysql_fetch_array($online_connect);

if($auteur_id == $connect_id)
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: limegreen;\"><b>" . _ONLINE2 . "</b></span>\n";
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: red;\"><b>" . _OFFLINE . "</b></span>\n";

echo _MESSAGES . " : " . $nb_post . "<br />" . _REGISTERED . ": " . $date_member . "<br />" . $online . "<br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;

echo "</td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"top\">\n"
. "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><img src=\"images/posticon.gif\" alt=\"\" />" . _POSTEDON . " " . $date . "  " . $attach_file . "</td><td align=\"right\">";

if ($closed == 0 && $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $visiteur >= $level)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=quote\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/quote.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLYQUOTE . "\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=edit\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" title=\"" . _EDITMESSAGE . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELMESSAGE . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr><tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . $title . "</b></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\">" . $txt . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";

if ($edition != "")
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><small><i>" . $edition . "</i></small></td></tr>\n";

if ($auteur_id != "" && $signature != "" && $usersig == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"border-top: 1px dashed " . $color3 . ";\" colspan=\"2\">" . $signature . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"#top\"><b>" . _BACKTOTOP . "</b></a></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\" title=\"" . _SEEPROFIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/profile.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Userbox&op=post_message&for=" . $auteur_id . "\" title=\"" . _SENDPM . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/message.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($email != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\" title=\"" . _SENDEMAIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/email.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($homepage != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $homepage . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _SEEHOMEPAGE . " " . $autor . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/website.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($icq != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $icq . "&action=add\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/icq.gif\" title=\"" . $icq . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($msn != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $msn . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/msn.gif\" title=\"" . $msn . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($aim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $aim . "&message=Hi+" . $aim . "+Are+you+there+?\" onclick=\"; return false;\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/aol.gif\" title=\"" . $aim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($yim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $yim . "&src=pg\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/yim.gif\" title=\"" . $yim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">";

if ($user[0] != "")
$sql_notify = mysql_query("SELECT emailnotify FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_notify = mysql_num_rows($sql_notify);

if ($user_notify > 0)
$inotify = 0;
while(list($notify) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_notify))
if ($notify == 1)


if ($inotify > 0)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=off&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYOFF . "</a><br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=on&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYON . "</a><br />\n";



if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_topic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDEL . "\" /></a>"
. " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=move&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_move.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICMOVE . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=open\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_unlock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUNLOCK . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=close\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_lock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICLOCK . "\" /></a>";

if ($annonce == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=down\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDOWN . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=up\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUP . "\" /></a>";

if ($user)
$visit = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND user_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_visit = mysql_num_rows($visit);

if ($user_visit == 0)
$sql_visit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " ( `id` , `user_id` , `thread_id` , `forum_id` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $user[0] . "' , '" . $thread_id . "' , '" . $forum_id . "' )");
else if ($level_access == -1)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";

function resize_signature($img_sign)
global $sign_width;

$img_sign = checkimg($img_sign);
$ext = strrchr($img_sign, '.');
$ext = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));

if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") $test = 1;
else $test = 0;

if (!eregi("%20", $img_sign) && $test == 1) list($w_sign, $h_sign, $t_sign, $at_sign) = @getimagesize($img_sign);

if ($w_sign != "" && $w_sign <= $sign_width) $s_width = "width=\"" . $w_sign . "\" ";
else if ($w_sign != "") $s_width = "width=\"" . $sign_width . "\" ";
else $s_width = "";

$image_signature = "<img src=\"" . $img_sign . "\" " . $s_width . "alt=\"\" />";


premier code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Nuked-KlaN - PHP Portal //
// //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK"))
die ("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">You cannot open this page directly</div>");

global $nuked, $user, $language, $theme, $thread_id, $forum_id, $p, $vote, $highlight;

translate("modules/Forum/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php");


if (!$user)
$visiteur = 0;
$visiteur = $user[1];
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
$nb_mess_for_mess = $nuked[mess_forum_page];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom, moderateurs, cat, level FROM " . FORUM_TABLE . " WHERE " . $visiteur . " >= niveau AND id = '" . $forum_id . "'");
$level_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql);

$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT titre, view, closed, annonce, last_post, auteur_id, sondage FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$topic_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql2);

if ($level_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOACCESSFORUM . "</div><br /><br />";
else if ($topic_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOTOPICEXIST . "</div><br /><br />";
list($nom, $modos, $cat, $level) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$nom = stripslashes($nom);
$nom = htmlentities($nom);

$sql_cat = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . FORUM_CAT_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $cat . "'");
list($cat_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cat);
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
$cat_name = htmlentities($cat_name);

if ($user && $modos != "" && ereg($user[0], $modos))
$administrator = 1;
$administrator = 0;

list($titre, $read, $closed, $annonce, $lastpost, $topic_aid, $sondage) = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
$titre = stripslashes($titre);
$titre = htmlentities($titre);
$titre = nk_CSS($titre);

$upd = mysql_query("UPDATE " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " SET view = view + 1 WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");

$sql_next = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post > " . $lastpost. " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post LIMIT 0, 1");
list($nextid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_next);

if ($nextid != "")
$next = "<small><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $nextid . "\">" . _NEXTTHREAD . "</a> ></small>";

$sql_last = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post < " . $lastpost . " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
list($lastid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_last);

if ($lastid != "")
$prev = "<small>< <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $lastid . "\">" . _LASTTHREAD . "</a> </small>";

echo "<br /><a name=\"top\"></a><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><big><b>" . $titre . "</b></big></td><td align=\"right\">" . $prev . " " . $next . "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum\"><b>" . _INDEXFORUM . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&cat=" . $cat . "\"><b>" . $cat_name . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewforum&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><b>" . $nom . "</b></a>\n";

$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT thread_id FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql3);

if (!$p) $p = 1;
$start = $p * $nb_mess_for_mess - $nb_mess_for_mess;

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
echo "<br /><br />\n";
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr></table>\n"
. "<table style=\"background: " . $color3 . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n";

if ($sondage == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color2 . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";

$sql_poll = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre FROM " . FORUM_POLL_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
list($poll_id, $question) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_poll);
$question = stripslashes($question);
$question = htmlentities($question);

if ($user && $topic_aid == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=edit_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _EDITPOLL . "\" /></a> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELPOLL . "\" /></a> </div>\n";

$check = mysql_query("SELECT auteur_ip FROM " . FORUM_VOTE_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($check);

if ($user && $test > 0 || $vote == "view")
echo "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
$nbcount = 0;

while (list($option_vote) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$nbcount = $nbcount + $option_vote;

$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($optioncount, $option_text) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res))
$optiontext = stripslashes($option_text);
$optiontext = htmlentities($option_text);

if ($nbcount <> 0)
$etat = ($optioncount * 100) / $nbcount ;
$etat = 0;

$pourcent_arrondi = round($etat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $optiontext . "</td><td>";

if ($etat < 1)
$width = 2;
$width = $etat * 2;

if (is_file("themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif"))
$img = "themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif";
$img = "modules/Forum/images/bar.gif";

echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $pourcent_arrondi . "%\" /> " . $pourcent_arrondi . "% (" . $optioncount . ")</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr></tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>" . _TOTALVOTE . " : </b>" . $nbcount . "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=vote&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "\">\n"
. "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT id, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($voteid, $optiontext) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$optiontext = stripslashes($optiontext);
$optiontext = htmlentities($optiontext);

echo "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"voteid\" value=\"" . $voteid . "\" /> " . $optiontext . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"" . $forum_id . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"thread_id\" value=\"" . $thread_id . "\" /></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _TOVOTE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _RESULT . "\" onclick=\"document.location='index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&vote=view'\" /></td></tr></table></form>\n";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr " . $background . "><td style=\"width: 25%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _AUTHOR . "</b></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _MESSAGE . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre, auteur, auteur_id, auteur_ip, txt, date, edition, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, cssoff, usersig, file FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' ORDER BY date ASC limit " . $start . ", " . $nb_mess_for_mess);
while (list($mess_id, $title, $auteur, $auteur_id, $auteur_ip, $txt, $date, $edition, $bbcodeoff, $smileyoff, $cssoff, $usersig, $fichier) = mysql_fetch_row($sql4))
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$auteur = stripslashes($auteur);

if ($highlight != "")
$string = trim($highlight);
$search = explode(" ", $string);

for($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++)
$words = preg_quote($search[$i]);
$title = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">" . $words . "</span>", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "[color= #FF0000][b]" . $words . "/b/color", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>" . $words . "</b></span>", $txt);


$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$title = eregi_replace("<", "<", $title);
$title = eregi_replace(">", ">", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = htmlentities($txt);
$txt = htmlentities($txt, ENT_NOQUOTES);

$txt = eregi_replace("<", "<", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace(">", ">", $txt);

if ($cssoff == 0)
$title = nk_CSS($title);
$txt = nk_CSS($txt);
$auteur = nk_CSS($auteur);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0) $txt = BBcode($txt);
if ($smileyoff == 0) $txt = icon($txt);

if (strftime("%d %m %Y", time()) == strftime("%d %m %Y", $date)) $date = _FTODAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else if (strftime("%d", $date) == (strftime("%d", time()) - 1) && strftime("%m %Y", time()) == strftime("%m %Y", $date)) $date = _FYESTERDAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else $date = _THE . " " . strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);

$tmpcnt++ % 2 == 1 ? $color = $color1 : $color = $color2;

echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"top\"><a name=\"" . $mess_id . "\"></a>";

if ($auteur_id != "")
$sq_user = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo, niveau, rang, avatar, signature, date, email, icq, msn, aim, yim, url, count FROM " . USER_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($sq_user);
list($autor, $user_level, $rang, $avatar, $signature, $date_member, $email, $icq, $msn, $aim, $yim, $homepage, $nb_post) = mysql_fetch_array($sq_user);

if ($test > 0 && $autor != "")
$date_member = strftime("%x", $date_member);

if ($signature != "")
$signature = stripslashes($signature);
$signature = nk_CSS($signature);
if ($signature_resize == "on") $signature = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/e", "resize_signature('\\1')", $signature);
$signature = BBcode($signature);

if ($fichier != "" && is_file("upload/Forum/" . $fichier))
$url_file = "upload/Forum/" . $fichier;
$filesize = filesize($url_file) / 1024;
$arrondi_size = ceil($filesize);
$file = explode(".", $fichier);
$ext = count($file)-1;

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
$del = " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_file&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/del.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELFILE . "\" /></a>";
$del = "";

$attach_file = "<br /><img src=\"modules/Forum/images/file.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _ATTACHFILE . "\" /><a href=\"" . $url_file . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _DOWNLOADFILE . "\">" . $fichier . "</a> (" . $arrondi_size . " Ko)" . $del;
$attach_file = "";

if ($modos != "" && ereg($auteur_id, $modos))
$auteur_modo = 1;
$auteur_modo = 0;

if ($rang > 0 && $nuked['forum_rank_team'] == "on")
$sql_rank_team = mysql_query("SELECT titre FROM " . TEAM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $rang . "'");
list($rank_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_rank_team);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);
$rank_image = "";
if ($user_level >= admin_mod("Forum"))
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 2");
else if ($auteur_modo == 1)
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 1");
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE " . $nb_post . " >= post AND type = 0 ORDER BY post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

list($rank_name, $rank_image) = mysql_fetch_array($user_rank);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);

echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\"><b>" . $autor . "</b></a><br />\n";

if ($rank_name != "")
echo $rank_name . "<br />\n";

if ($rank_image != "")
echo "<img src=\"" . $rank_image . "\" alt=\"\" /><br /><br />\n";

if ($avatar != "")
if ($avatar_resize == "off") $ar_ok = 0;
else if (eregi("http://", $avatar) && $avatar_resize == "local") $ar_ok = 0;
else $ar_ok = 1;

if (!eregi("%20", $avatar) && $ar_ok == 1) list($w, $h, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($avatar);
if ($w != "" && $w <= $avatar_width) $width = "width=\"" . $w . "\" ";
else if ($w != "") $width = "width=\"" . $avatar_width . "\" ";
else $width = "";
echo "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" " . $width . "alt=\"\" /><br />\n";

$online_connect = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . NBCONNECTE_TABLE . " WHERE user_id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
list($connect_id) = mysql_fetch_array($online_connect);

if($auteur_id == $connect_id)
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: limegreen;\"><b>" . _ONLINE2 . "</b></span>\n";
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: red;\"><b>" . _OFFLINE . "</b></span>\n";

echo _MESSAGES . " : " . $nb_post . "<br />" . _REGISTERED . ": " . $date_member . "<br />" . $online . "<br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;

echo "</td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"top\">\n"
. "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><img src=\"images/posticon.gif\" alt=\"\" />" . _POSTEDON . " " . $date . "  " . $attach_file . "</td><td align=\"right\">";

if ($closed == 0 && $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $visiteur >= $level)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=quote\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/quote.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLYQUOTE . "\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=edit\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" title=\"" . _EDITMESSAGE . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELMESSAGE . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr><tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . $title . "</b></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\">" . $txt . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";

if ($edition != "")
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><small><i>" . $edition . "</i></small></td></tr>\n";

if ($auteur_id != "" && $signature != "" && $usersig == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"border-top: 1px dashed " . $color3 . ";\" colspan=\"2\">" . $signature . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"#top\"><b>" . _BACKTOTOP . "</b></a></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\" title=\"" . _SEEPROFIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/profile.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Userbox&op=post_message&for=" . $auteur_id . "\" title=\"" . _SENDPM . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/message.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($email != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\" title=\"" . _SENDEMAIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/email.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($homepage != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $homepage . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _SEEHOMEPAGE . " " . $autor . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/website.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($icq != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $icq . "&action=add\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/icq.gif\" title=\"" . $icq . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($msn != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $msn . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/msn.gif\" title=\"" . $msn . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($aim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $aim . "&message=Hi+" . $aim . "+Are+you+there+?\" onclick=\"; return false;\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/aol.gif\" title=\"" . $aim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($yim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $yim . "&src=pg\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/yim.gif\" title=\"" . $yim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">";

if ($user[0] != "")
$sql_notify = mysql_query("SELECT emailnotify FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_notify = mysql_num_rows($sql_notify);

if ($user_notify > 0)
$inotify = 0;
while(list($notify) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_notify))
if ($notify == 1)


if ($inotify > 0)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=off&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYOFF . "</a><br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=on&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYON . "</a><br />\n";



if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_topic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDEL . "\" /></a>"
. " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=move&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_move.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICMOVE . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=open\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_unlock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUNLOCK . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=close\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_lock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICLOCK . "\" /></a>";

if ($annonce == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=down\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDOWN . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=up\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUP . "\" /></a>";

if ($user)
$visit = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND user_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_visit = mysql_num_rows($visit);

if ($user_visit == 0)
$sql_visit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " ( `id` , `user_id` , `thread_id` , `forum_id` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $user[0] . "' , '" . $thread_id . "' , '" . $forum_id . "' )");
else if ($level_access == -1)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";

function resize_signature($img_sign)
global $sign_width;

$img_sign = checkimg($img_sign);
$ext = strrchr($img_sign, '.');
$ext = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));

if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") $test = 1;
else $test = 0;

if (!eregi("%20", $img_sign) && $test == 1) list($w_sign, $h_sign, $t_sign, $at_sign) = @getimagesize($img_sign);

if ($w_sign != "" && $w_sign <= $sign_width) $s_width = "width=\"" . $w_sign . "\" ";
else if ($w_sign != "") $s_width = "width=\"" . $sign_width . "\" ";
else $s_width = "";

$image_signature = "<img src=\"" . $img_sign . "\" " . $s_width . "alt=\"\" />";


premier code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Nuked-KlaN - PHP Portal //
// //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK"))
die ("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">You cannot open this page directly</div>");

global $nuked, $user, $language, $theme, $thread_id, $forum_id, $p, $vote, $highlight;

translate("modules/Forum/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php");


if (!$user)
$visiteur = 0;
$visiteur = $user[1];
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
$nb_mess_for_mess = $nuked[mess_forum_page];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom, moderateurs, cat, level FROM " . FORUM_TABLE . " WHERE " . $visiteur . " >= niveau AND id = '" . $forum_id . "'");
$level_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql);

$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT titre, view, closed, annonce, last_post, auteur_id, sondage FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$topic_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql2);

if ($level_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOACCESSFORUM . "</div><br /><br />";
else if ($topic_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOTOPICEXIST . "</div><br /><br />";
list($nom, $modos, $cat, $level) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$nom = stripslashes($nom);
$nom = htmlentities($nom);

$sql_cat = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . FORUM_CAT_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $cat . "'");
list($cat_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cat);
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
$cat_name = htmlentities($cat_name);

if ($user && $modos != "" && ereg($user[0], $modos))
$administrator = 1;
$administrator = 0;

list($titre, $read, $closed, $annonce, $lastpost, $topic_aid, $sondage) = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
$titre = stripslashes($titre);
$titre = htmlentities($titre);
$titre = nk_CSS($titre);

$upd = mysql_query("UPDATE " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " SET view = view + 1 WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");

$sql_next = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post > " . $lastpost. " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post LIMIT 0, 1");
list($nextid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_next);

if ($nextid != "")
$next = "<small><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $nextid . "\">" . _NEXTTHREAD . "</a> ></small>";

$sql_last = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post < " . $lastpost . " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
list($lastid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_last);

if ($lastid != "")
$prev = "<small>< <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $lastid . "\">" . _LASTTHREAD . "</a> </small>";

echo "<br /><a name=\"top\"></a><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><big><b>" . $titre . "</b></big></td><td align=\"right\">" . $prev . " " . $next . "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum\"><b>" . _INDEXFORUM . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&cat=" . $cat . "\"><b>" . $cat_name . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewforum&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><b>" . $nom . "</b></a>\n";

$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT thread_id FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql3);

if (!$p) $p = 1;
$start = $p * $nb_mess_for_mess - $nb_mess_for_mess;

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
echo "<br /><br />\n";
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr></table>\n"
. "<table style=\"background: " . $color3 . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n";

if ($sondage == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color2 . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";

$sql_poll = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre FROM " . FORUM_POLL_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
list($poll_id, $question) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_poll);
$question = stripslashes($question);
$question = htmlentities($question);

if ($user && $topic_aid == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=edit_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _EDITPOLL . "\" /></a> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELPOLL . "\" /></a> </div>\n";

$check = mysql_query("SELECT auteur_ip FROM " . FORUM_VOTE_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($check);

if ($user && $test > 0 || $vote == "view")
echo "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
$nbcount = 0;

while (list($option_vote) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$nbcount = $nbcount + $option_vote;

$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($optioncount, $option_text) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res))
$optiontext = stripslashes($option_text);
$optiontext = htmlentities($option_text);

if ($nbcount <> 0)
$etat = ($optioncount * 100) / $nbcount ;
$etat = 0;

$pourcent_arrondi = round($etat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $optiontext . "</td><td>";

if ($etat < 1)
$width = 2;
$width = $etat * 2;

if (is_file("themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif"))
$img = "themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif";
$img = "modules/Forum/images/bar.gif";

echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $pourcent_arrondi . "%\" /> " . $pourcent_arrondi . "% (" . $optioncount . ")</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr></tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>" . _TOTALVOTE . " : </b>" . $nbcount . "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=vote&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "\">\n"
. "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT id, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($voteid, $optiontext) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$optiontext = stripslashes($optiontext);
$optiontext = htmlentities($optiontext);

echo "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"voteid\" value=\"" . $voteid . "\" /> " . $optiontext . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"" . $forum_id . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"thread_id\" value=\"" . $thread_id . "\" /></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _TOVOTE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _RESULT . "\" onclick=\"document.location='index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&vote=view'\" /></td></tr></table></form>\n";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr " . $background . "><td style=\"width: 25%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _AUTHOR . "</b></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _MESSAGE . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre, auteur, auteur_id, auteur_ip, txt, date, edition, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, cssoff, usersig, file FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' ORDER BY date ASC limit " . $start . ", " . $nb_mess_for_mess);
while (list($mess_id, $title, $auteur, $auteur_id, $auteur_ip, $txt, $date, $edition, $bbcodeoff, $smileyoff, $cssoff, $usersig, $fichier) = mysql_fetch_row($sql4))
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$auteur = stripslashes($auteur);

if ($highlight != "")
$string = trim($highlight);
$search = explode(" ", $string);

for($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++)
$words = preg_quote($search[$i]);
$title = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">" . $words . "</span>", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "[color= #FF0000][b]" . $words . "/b/color", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>" . $words . "</b></span>", $txt);


$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$title = eregi_replace("<", "<", $title);
$title = eregi_replace(">", ">", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = htmlentities($txt);
$txt = htmlentities($txt, ENT_NOQUOTES);

$txt = eregi_replace("<", "<", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace(">", ">", $txt);

if ($cssoff == 0)
$title = nk_CSS($title);
$txt = nk_CSS($txt);
$auteur = nk_CSS($auteur);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0) $txt = BBcode($txt);
if ($smileyoff == 0) $txt = icon($txt);

if (strftime("%d %m %Y", time()) == strftime("%d %m %Y", $date)) $date = _FTODAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else if (strftime("%d", $date) == (strftime("%d", time()) - 1) && strftime("%m %Y", time()) == strftime("%m %Y", $date)) $date = _FYESTERDAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else $date = _THE . " " . strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);

$tmpcnt++ % 2 == 1 ? $color = $color1 : $color = $color2;

echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"top\"><a name=\"" . $mess_id . "\"></a>";

if ($auteur_id != "")
$sq_user = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo, niveau, rang, avatar, signature, date, email, icq, msn, aim, yim, url, count FROM " . USER_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($sq_user);
list($autor, $user_level, $rang, $avatar, $signature, $date_member, $email, $icq, $msn, $aim, $yim, $homepage, $nb_post) = mysql_fetch_array($sq_user);

if ($test > 0 && $autor != "")
$date_member = strftime("%x", $date_member);

if ($signature != "")
$signature = stripslashes($signature);
$signature = nk_CSS($signature);
if ($signature_resize == "on") $signature = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/e", "resize_signature('\\1')", $signature);
$signature = BBcode($signature);

if ($fichier != "" && is_file("upload/Forum/" . $fichier))
$url_file = "upload/Forum/" . $fichier;
$filesize = filesize($url_file) / 1024;
$arrondi_size = ceil($filesize);
$file = explode(".", $fichier);
$ext = count($file)-1;

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
$del = " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_file&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/del.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELFILE . "\" /></a>";
$del = "";

$attach_file = "<br /><img src=\"modules/Forum/images/file.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _ATTACHFILE . "\" /><a href=\"" . $url_file . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _DOWNLOADFILE . "\">" . $fichier . "</a> (" . $arrondi_size . " Ko)" . $del;
$attach_file = "";

if ($modos != "" && ereg($auteur_id, $modos))
$auteur_modo = 1;
$auteur_modo = 0;

if ($rang > 0 && $nuked['forum_rank_team'] == "on")
$sql_rank_team = mysql_query("SELECT titre FROM " . TEAM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $rang . "'");
list($rank_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_rank_team);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);
$rank_image = "";
if ($user_level >= admin_mod("Forum"))
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 2");
else if ($auteur_modo == 1)
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 1");
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE " . $nb_post . " >= post AND type = 0 ORDER BY post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

list($rank_name, $rank_image) = mysql_fetch_array($user_rank);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);

echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\"><b>" . $autor . "</b></a><br />\n";

if ($rank_name != "")
echo $rank_name . "<br />\n";

if ($rank_image != "")
echo "<img src=\"" . $rank_image . "\" alt=\"\" /><br /><br />\n";

if ($avatar != "")
if ($avatar_resize == "off") $ar_ok = 0;
else if (eregi("http://", $avatar) && $avatar_resize == "local") $ar_ok = 0;
else $ar_ok = 1;

if (!eregi("%20", $avatar) && $ar_ok == 1) list($w, $h, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($avatar);
if ($w != "" && $w <= $avatar_width) $width = "width=\"" . $w . "\" ";
else if ($w != "") $width = "width=\"" . $avatar_width . "\" ";
else $width = "";
echo "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" " . $width . "alt=\"\" /><br />\n";

$online_connect = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . NBCONNECTE_TABLE . " WHERE user_id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
list($connect_id) = mysql_fetch_array($online_connect);

if($auteur_id == $connect_id)
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: limegreen;\"><b>" . _ONLINE2 . "</b></span>\n";
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: red;\"><b>" . _OFFLINE . "</b></span>\n";

echo _MESSAGES . " : " . $nb_post . "<br />" . _REGISTERED . ": " . $date_member . "<br />" . $online . "<br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;

echo "</td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"top\">\n"
. "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><img src=\"images/posticon.gif\" alt=\"\" />" . _POSTEDON . " " . $date . "  " . $attach_file . "</td><td align=\"right\">";

if ($closed == 0 && $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $visiteur >= $level)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=quote\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/quote.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLYQUOTE . "\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=edit\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" title=\"" . _EDITMESSAGE . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELMESSAGE . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr><tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . $title . "</b></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\">" . $txt . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";

if ($edition != "")
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><small><i>" . $edition . "</i></small></td></tr>\n";

if ($auteur_id != "" && $signature != "" && $usersig == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"border-top: 1px dashed " . $color3 . ";\" colspan=\"2\">" . $signature . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"#top\"><b>" . _BACKTOTOP . "</b></a></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\" title=\"" . _SEEPROFIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/profile.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Userbox&op=post_message&for=" . $auteur_id . "\" title=\"" . _SENDPM . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/message.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($email != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\" title=\"" . _SENDEMAIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/email.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($homepage != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $homepage . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _SEEHOMEPAGE . " " . $autor . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/website.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($icq != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $icq . "&action=add\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/icq.gif\" title=\"" . $icq . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($msn != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $msn . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/msn.gif\" title=\"" . $msn . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($aim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $aim . "&message=Hi+" . $aim . "+Are+you+there+?\" onclick=\"; return false;\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/aol.gif\" title=\"" . $aim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($yim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $yim . "&src=pg\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/yim.gif\" title=\"" . $yim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">";

if ($user[0] != "")
$sql_notify = mysql_query("SELECT emailnotify FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_notify = mysql_num_rows($sql_notify);

if ($user_notify > 0)
$inotify = 0;
while(list($notify) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_notify))
if ($notify == 1)


if ($inotify > 0)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=off&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYOFF . "</a><br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=on&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYON . "</a><br />\n";



if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_topic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDEL . "\" /></a>"
. " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=move&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_move.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICMOVE . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=open\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_unlock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUNLOCK . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=close\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_lock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICLOCK . "\" /></a>";

if ($annonce == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=down\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDOWN . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=up\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUP . "\" /></a>";

if ($user)
$visit = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND user_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_visit = mysql_num_rows($visit);

if ($user_visit == 0)
$sql_visit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " ( `id` , `user_id` , `thread_id` , `forum_id` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $user[0] . "' , '" . $thread_id . "' , '" . $forum_id . "' )");
else if ($level_access == -1)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";

function resize_signature($img_sign)
global $sign_width;

$img_sign = checkimg($img_sign);
$ext = strrchr($img_sign, '.');
$ext = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));

if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") $test = 1;
else $test = 0;

if (!eregi("%20", $img_sign) && $test == 1) list($w_sign, $h_sign, $t_sign, $at_sign) = @getimagesize($img_sign);

if ($w_sign != "" && $w_sign <= $sign_width) $s_width = "width=\"" . $w_sign . "\" ";
else if ($w_sign != "") $s_width = "width=\"" . $sign_width . "\" ";
else $s_width = "";

$image_signature = "<img src=\"" . $img_sign . "\" " . $s_width . "alt=\"\" />";


premier code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Nuked-KlaN - PHP Portal //
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// This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK"))
die ("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">You cannot open this page directly</div>");

global $nuked, $user, $language, $theme, $thread_id, $forum_id, $p, $vote, $highlight;

translate("modules/Forum/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php");


if (!$user)
$visiteur = 0;
$visiteur = $user[1];
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
$nb_mess_for_mess = $nuked[mess_forum_page];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom, moderateurs, cat, level FROM " . FORUM_TABLE . " WHERE " . $visiteur . " >= niveau AND id = '" . $forum_id . "'");
$level_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql);

$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT titre, view, closed, annonce, last_post, auteur_id, sondage FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$topic_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql2);

if ($level_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOACCESSFORUM . "</div><br /><br />";
else if ($topic_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOTOPICEXIST . "</div><br /><br />";
list($nom, $modos, $cat, $level) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$nom = stripslashes($nom);
$nom = htmlentities($nom);

$sql_cat = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . FORUM_CAT_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $cat . "'");
list($cat_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cat);
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
$cat_name = htmlentities($cat_name);

if ($user && $modos != "" && ereg($user[0], $modos))
$administrator = 1;
$administrator = 0;

list($titre, $read, $closed, $annonce, $lastpost, $topic_aid, $sondage) = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
$titre = stripslashes($titre);
$titre = htmlentities($titre);
$titre = nk_CSS($titre);

$upd = mysql_query("UPDATE " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " SET view = view + 1 WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");

$sql_next = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post > " . $lastpost. " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post LIMIT 0, 1");
list($nextid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_next);

if ($nextid != "")
$next = "<small><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $nextid . "\">" . _NEXTTHREAD . "</a> ></small>";

$sql_last = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post < " . $lastpost . " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
list($lastid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_last);

if ($lastid != "")
$prev = "<small>< <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $lastid . "\">" . _LASTTHREAD . "</a> </small>";

echo "<br /><a name=\"top\"></a><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><big><b>" . $titre . "</b></big></td><td align=\"right\">" . $prev . " " . $next . "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum\"><b>" . _INDEXFORUM . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&cat=" . $cat . "\"><b>" . $cat_name . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewforum&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><b>" . $nom . "</b></a>\n";

$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT thread_id FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql3);

if (!$p) $p = 1;
$start = $p * $nb_mess_for_mess - $nb_mess_for_mess;

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
echo "<br /><br />\n";
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr></table>\n"
. "<table style=\"background: " . $color3 . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n";

if ($sondage == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color2 . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";

$sql_poll = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre FROM " . FORUM_POLL_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
list($poll_id, $question) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_poll);
$question = stripslashes($question);
$question = htmlentities($question);

if ($user && $topic_aid == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=edit_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _EDITPOLL . "\" /></a> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELPOLL . "\" /></a> </div>\n";

$check = mysql_query("SELECT auteur_ip FROM " . FORUM_VOTE_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($check);

if ($user && $test > 0 || $vote == "view")
echo "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
$nbcount = 0;

while (list($option_vote) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$nbcount = $nbcount + $option_vote;

$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($optioncount, $option_text) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res))
$optiontext = stripslashes($option_text);
$optiontext = htmlentities($option_text);

if ($nbcount <> 0)
$etat = ($optioncount * 100) / $nbcount ;
$etat = 0;

$pourcent_arrondi = round($etat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $optiontext . "</td><td>";

if ($etat < 1)
$width = 2;
$width = $etat * 2;

if (is_file("themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif"))
$img = "themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif";
$img = "modules/Forum/images/bar.gif";

echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $pourcent_arrondi . "%\" /> " . $pourcent_arrondi . "% (" . $optioncount . ")</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr></tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>" . _TOTALVOTE . " : </b>" . $nbcount . "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=vote&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "\">\n"
. "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT id, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($voteid, $optiontext) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$optiontext = stripslashes($optiontext);
$optiontext = htmlentities($optiontext);

echo "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"voteid\" value=\"" . $voteid . "\" /> " . $optiontext . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"" . $forum_id . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"thread_id\" value=\"" . $thread_id . "\" /></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _TOVOTE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _RESULT . "\" onclick=\"document.location='index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&vote=view'\" /></td></tr></table></form>\n";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr " . $background . "><td style=\"width: 25%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _AUTHOR . "</b></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _MESSAGE . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre, auteur, auteur_id, auteur_ip, txt, date, edition, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, cssoff, usersig, file FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' ORDER BY date ASC limit " . $start . ", " . $nb_mess_for_mess);
while (list($mess_id, $title, $auteur, $auteur_id, $auteur_ip, $txt, $date, $edition, $bbcodeoff, $smileyoff, $cssoff, $usersig, $fichier) = mysql_fetch_row($sql4))
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$auteur = stripslashes($auteur);

if ($highlight != "")
$string = trim($highlight);
$search = explode(" ", $string);

for($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++)
$words = preg_quote($search[$i]);
$title = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">" . $words . "</span>", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "[color= #FF0000][b]" . $words . "/b/color", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>" . $words . "</b></span>", $txt);


$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$title = eregi_replace("<", "<", $title);
$title = eregi_replace(">", ">", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = htmlentities($txt);
$txt = htmlentities($txt, ENT_NOQUOTES);

$txt = eregi_replace("<", "<", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace(">", ">", $txt);

if ($cssoff == 0)
$title = nk_CSS($title);
$txt = nk_CSS($txt);
$auteur = nk_CSS($auteur);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0) $txt = BBcode($txt);
if ($smileyoff == 0) $txt = icon($txt);

if (strftime("%d %m %Y", time()) == strftime("%d %m %Y", $date)) $date = _FTODAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else if (strftime("%d", $date) == (strftime("%d", time()) - 1) && strftime("%m %Y", time()) == strftime("%m %Y", $date)) $date = _FYESTERDAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else $date = _THE . " " . strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);

$tmpcnt++ % 2 == 1 ? $color = $color1 : $color = $color2;

echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"top\"><a name=\"" . $mess_id . "\"></a>";

if ($auteur_id != "")
$sq_user = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo, niveau, rang, avatar, signature, date, email, icq, msn, aim, yim, url, count FROM " . USER_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($sq_user);
list($autor, $user_level, $rang, $avatar, $signature, $date_member, $email, $icq, $msn, $aim, $yim, $homepage, $nb_post) = mysql_fetch_array($sq_user);

if ($test > 0 && $autor != "")
$date_member = strftime("%x", $date_member);

if ($signature != "")
$signature = stripslashes($signature);
$signature = nk_CSS($signature);
if ($signature_resize == "on") $signature = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/e", "resize_signature('\\1')", $signature);
$signature = BBcode($signature);

if ($fichier != "" && is_file("upload/Forum/" . $fichier))
$url_file = "upload/Forum/" . $fichier;
$filesize = filesize($url_file) / 1024;
$arrondi_size = ceil($filesize);
$file = explode(".", $fichier);
$ext = count($file)-1;

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
$del = " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_file&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/del.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELFILE . "\" /></a>";
$del = "";

$attach_file = "<br /><img src=\"modules/Forum/images/file.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _ATTACHFILE . "\" /><a href=\"" . $url_file . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _DOWNLOADFILE . "\">" . $fichier . "</a> (" . $arrondi_size . " Ko)" . $del;
$attach_file = "";

if ($modos != "" && ereg($auteur_id, $modos))
$auteur_modo = 1;
$auteur_modo = 0;

if ($rang > 0 && $nuked['forum_rank_team'] == "on")
$sql_rank_team = mysql_query("SELECT titre FROM " . TEAM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $rang . "'");
list($rank_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_rank_team);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);
$rank_image = "";
if ($user_level >= admin_mod("Forum"))
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 2");
else if ($auteur_modo == 1)
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 1");
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE " . $nb_post . " >= post AND type = 0 ORDER BY post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

list($rank_name, $rank_image) = mysql_fetch_array($user_rank);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);

echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\"><b>" . $autor . "</b></a><br />\n";

if ($rank_name != "")
echo $rank_name . "<br />\n";

if ($rank_image != "")
echo "<img src=\"" . $rank_image . "\" alt=\"\" /><br /><br />\n";

if ($avatar != "")
if ($avatar_resize == "off") $ar_ok = 0;
else if (eregi("http://", $avatar) && $avatar_resize == "local") $ar_ok = 0;
else $ar_ok = 1;

if (!eregi("%20", $avatar) && $ar_ok == 1) list($w, $h, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($avatar);
if ($w != "" && $w <= $avatar_width) $width = "width=\"" . $w . "\" ";
else if ($w != "") $width = "width=\"" . $avatar_width . "\" ";
else $width = "";
echo "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" " . $width . "alt=\"\" /><br />\n";

$online_connect = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . NBCONNECTE_TABLE . " WHERE user_id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
list($connect_id) = mysql_fetch_array($online_connect);

if($auteur_id == $connect_id)
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: limegreen;\"><b>" . _ONLINE2 . "</b></span>\n";
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: red;\"><b>" . _OFFLINE . "</b></span>\n";

echo _MESSAGES . " : " . $nb_post . "<br />" . _REGISTERED . ": " . $date_member . "<br />" . $online . "<br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;

echo "</td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"top\">\n"
. "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><img src=\"images/posticon.gif\" alt=\"\" />" . _POSTEDON . " " . $date . "  " . $attach_file . "</td><td align=\"right\">";

if ($closed == 0 && $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $visiteur >= $level)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=quote\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/quote.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLYQUOTE . "\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=edit\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" title=\"" . _EDITMESSAGE . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELMESSAGE . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr><tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . $title . "</b></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\">" . $txt . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";

if ($edition != "")
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><small><i>" . $edition . "</i></small></td></tr>\n";

if ($auteur_id != "" && $signature != "" && $usersig == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"border-top: 1px dashed " . $color3 . ";\" colspan=\"2\">" . $signature . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"#top\"><b>" . _BACKTOTOP . "</b></a></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\" title=\"" . _SEEPROFIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/profile.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Userbox&op=post_message&for=" . $auteur_id . "\" title=\"" . _SENDPM . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/message.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($email != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\" title=\"" . _SENDEMAIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/email.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($homepage != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $homepage . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _SEEHOMEPAGE . " " . $autor . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/website.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($icq != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $icq . "&action=add\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/icq.gif\" title=\"" . $icq . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($msn != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $msn . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/msn.gif\" title=\"" . $msn . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($aim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $aim . "&message=Hi+" . $aim . "+Are+you+there+?\" onclick=\"; return false;\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/aol.gif\" title=\"" . $aim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($yim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $yim . "&src=pg\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/yim.gif\" title=\"" . $yim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">";

if ($user[0] != "")
$sql_notify = mysql_query("SELECT emailnotify FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_notify = mysql_num_rows($sql_notify);

if ($user_notify > 0)
$inotify = 0;
while(list($notify) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_notify))
if ($notify == 1)


if ($inotify > 0)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=off&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYOFF . "</a><br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=on&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYON . "</a><br />\n";



if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_topic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDEL . "\" /></a>"
. " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=move&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_move.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICMOVE . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=open\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_unlock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUNLOCK . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=close\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_lock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICLOCK . "\" /></a>";

if ($annonce == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=down\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDOWN . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=up\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUP . "\" /></a>";

if ($user)
$visit = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND user_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_visit = mysql_num_rows($visit);

if ($user_visit == 0)
$sql_visit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " ( `id` , `user_id` , `thread_id` , `forum_id` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $user[0] . "' , '" . $thread_id . "' , '" . $forum_id . "' )");
else if ($level_access == -1)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";

function resize_signature($img_sign)
global $sign_width;

$img_sign = checkimg($img_sign);
$ext = strrchr($img_sign, '.');
$ext = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));

if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") $test = 1;
else $test = 0;

if (!eregi("%20", $img_sign) && $test == 1) list($w_sign, $h_sign, $t_sign, $at_sign) = @getimagesize($img_sign);

if ($w_sign != "" && $w_sign <= $sign_width) $s_width = "width=\"" . $w_sign . "\" ";
else if ($w_sign != "") $s_width = "width=\"" . $sign_width . "\" ";
else $s_width = "";

$image_signature = "<img src=\"" . $img_sign . "\" " . $s_width . "alt=\"\" />";


premier code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Nuked-KlaN - PHP Portal //
// //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK"))
die ("<div style=\"text-align: center;\">You cannot open this page directly</div>");

global $nuked, $user, $language, $theme, $thread_id, $forum_id, $p, $vote, $highlight;

translate("modules/Forum/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php");


if (!$user)
$visiteur = 0;
$visiteur = $user[1];
$ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
$nb_mess_for_mess = $nuked[mess_forum_page];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom, moderateurs, cat, level FROM " . FORUM_TABLE . " WHERE " . $visiteur . " >= niveau AND id = '" . $forum_id . "'");
$level_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql);

$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT titre, view, closed, annonce, last_post, auteur_id, sondage FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$topic_ok = mysql_num_rows($sql2);

if ($level_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOACCESSFORUM . "</div><br /><br />";
else if ($topic_ok == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOTOPICEXIST . "</div><br /><br />";
list($nom, $modos, $cat, $level) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$nom = stripslashes($nom);
$nom = htmlentities($nom);

$sql_cat = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . FORUM_CAT_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $cat . "'");
list($cat_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cat);
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
$cat_name = htmlentities($cat_name);

if ($user && $modos != "" && ereg($user[0], $modos))
$administrator = 1;
$administrator = 0;

list($titre, $read, $closed, $annonce, $lastpost, $topic_aid, $sondage) = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
$titre = stripslashes($titre);
$titre = htmlentities($titre);
$titre = nk_CSS($titre);

$upd = mysql_query("UPDATE " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " SET view = view + 1 WHERE forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND id = '" . $thread_id . "'");

$sql_next = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post > " . $lastpost. " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post LIMIT 0, 1");
list($nextid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_next);

if ($nextid != "")
$next = "<small><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $nextid . "\">" . _NEXTTHREAD . "</a> ></small>";

$sql_last = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_THREADS_TABLE . " WHERE last_post < " . $lastpost . " AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
list($lastid) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_last);

if ($lastid != "")
$prev = "<small>< <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $lastid . "\">" . _LASTTHREAD . "</a> </small>";

echo "<br /><a name=\"top\"></a><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><big><b>" . $titre . "</b></big></td><td align=\"right\">" . $prev . " " . $next . "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum\"><b>" . _INDEXFORUM . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&cat=" . $cat . "\"><b>" . $cat_name . "</b></a> -> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=viewforum&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><b>" . $nom . "</b></a>\n";

$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT thread_id FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql3);

if (!$p) $p = 1;
$start = $p * $nb_mess_for_mess - $nb_mess_for_mess;

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
echo "<br /><br />\n";
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr></table>\n"
. "<table style=\"background: " . $color3 . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n";

if ($sondage == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color2 . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";

$sql_poll = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre FROM " . FORUM_POLL_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "'");
list($poll_id, $question) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_poll);
$question = stripslashes($question);
$question = htmlentities($question);

if ($user && $topic_aid == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=edit_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _EDITPOLL . "\" /></a> <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_poll&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELPOLL . "\" /></a> </div>\n";

$check = mysql_query("SELECT auteur_ip FROM " . FORUM_VOTE_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($check);

if ($user && $test > 0 || $vote == "view")
echo "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
$nbcount = 0;

while (list($option_vote) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$nbcount = $nbcount + $option_vote;

$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT option_vote, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($optioncount, $option_text) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res))
$optiontext = stripslashes($option_text);
$optiontext = htmlentities($option_text);

if ($nbcount <> 0)
$etat = ($optioncount * 100) / $nbcount ;
$etat = 0;

$pourcent_arrondi = round($etat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $optiontext . "</td><td>";

if ($etat < 1)
$width = 2;
$width = $etat * 2;

if (is_file("themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif"))
$img = "themes/" . $theme . "/images/bar.gif";
$img = "modules/Forum/images/bar.gif";

echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $pourcent_arrondi . "%\" /> " . $pourcent_arrondi . "% (" . $optioncount . ")</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr></tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>" . _TOTALVOTE . " : </b>" . $nbcount . "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=vote&poll_id=" . $poll_id . "\">\n"
. "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><b>" . $question . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql_options = mysql_query("SELECT id, option_text FROM " . FORUM_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE poll_id = '" . $poll_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
while (list($voteid, $optiontext) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_options))
$optiontext = stripslashes($optiontext);
$optiontext = htmlentities($optiontext);

echo "<tr><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"voteid\" value=\"" . $voteid . "\" /> " . $optiontext . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"" . $forum_id . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"thread_id\" value=\"" . $thread_id . "\" /></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _TOVOTE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _RESULT . "\" onclick=\"document.location='index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&vote=view'\" /></td></tr></table></form>\n";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr " . $background . "><td style=\"width: 25%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _AUTHOR . "</b></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" align=\"center\"><b>" . _MESSAGE . "</b></td></tr>\n";

$sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT id, titre, auteur, auteur_id, auteur_ip, txt, date, edition, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, cssoff, usersig, file FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' ORDER BY date ASC limit " . $start . ", " . $nb_mess_for_mess);
while (list($mess_id, $title, $auteur, $auteur_id, $auteur_ip, $txt, $date, $edition, $bbcodeoff, $smileyoff, $cssoff, $usersig, $fichier) = mysql_fetch_row($sql4))
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$auteur = stripslashes($auteur);

if ($highlight != "")
$string = trim($highlight);
$search = explode(" ", $string);

for($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++)
$words = preg_quote($search[$i]);
$title = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">" . $words . "</span>", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "[color= #FF0000][b]" . $words . "/b/color", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace($words, "<span style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>" . $words . "</b></span>", $txt);


$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$title = eregi_replace("<", "<", $title);
$title = eregi_replace(">", ">", $title);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0)
$txt = htmlentities($txt);
$txt = htmlentities($txt, ENT_NOQUOTES);

$txt = eregi_replace("<", "<", $txt);
$txt = eregi_replace(">", ">", $txt);

if ($cssoff == 0)
$title = nk_CSS($title);
$txt = nk_CSS($txt);
$auteur = nk_CSS($auteur);

if ($bbcodeoff == 0) $txt = BBcode($txt);
if ($smileyoff == 0) $txt = icon($txt);

if (strftime("%d %m %Y", time()) == strftime("%d %m %Y", $date)) $date = _FTODAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else if (strftime("%d", $date) == (strftime("%d", time()) - 1) && strftime("%m %Y", time()) == strftime("%m %Y", $date)) $date = _FYESTERDAY . " " . strftime("%H:%M", $date);
else $date = _THE . " " . strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);

$tmpcnt++ % 2 == 1 ? $color = $color1 : $color = $color2;

echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"top\"><a name=\"" . $mess_id . "\"></a>";

if ($auteur_id != "")
$sq_user = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo, niveau, rang, avatar, signature, date, email, icq, msn, aim, yim, url, count FROM " . USER_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
$test = mysql_num_rows($sq_user);
list($autor, $user_level, $rang, $avatar, $signature, $date_member, $email, $icq, $msn, $aim, $yim, $homepage, $nb_post) = mysql_fetch_array($sq_user);

if ($test > 0 && $autor != "")
$date_member = strftime("%x", $date_member);

if ($signature != "")
$signature = stripslashes($signature);
$signature = nk_CSS($signature);
if ($signature_resize == "on") $signature = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/e", "resize_signature('\\1')", $signature);
$signature = BBcode($signature);

if ($fichier != "" && is_file("upload/Forum/" . $fichier))
$url_file = "upload/Forum/" . $fichier;
$filesize = filesize($url_file) / 1024;
$arrondi_size = ceil($filesize);
$file = explode(".", $fichier);
$ext = count($file)-1;

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
$del = " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_file&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/del.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELFILE . "\" /></a>";
$del = "";

$attach_file = "<br /><img src=\"modules/Forum/images/file.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _ATTACHFILE . "\" /><a href=\"" . $url_file . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _DOWNLOADFILE . "\">" . $fichier . "</a> (" . $arrondi_size . " Ko)" . $del;
$attach_file = "";

if ($modos != "" && ereg($auteur_id, $modos))
$auteur_modo = 1;
$auteur_modo = 0;

if ($rang > 0 && $nuked['forum_rank_team'] == "on")
$sql_rank_team = mysql_query("SELECT titre FROM " . TEAM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE id = '" . $rang . "'");
list($rank_name) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_rank_team);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);
$rank_image = "";
if ($user_level >= admin_mod("Forum"))
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 2");
else if ($auteur_modo == 1)
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE type = 1");
$user_rank = mysql_query("SELECT nom, image FROM " . FORUM_RANK_TABLE . " WHERE " . $nb_post . " >= post AND type = 0 ORDER BY post DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

list($rank_name, $rank_image) = mysql_fetch_array($user_rank);
$rank_name = stripslashes($rank_name);
$rank_name = htmlentities($rank_name);

echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\"><b>" . $autor . "</b></a><br />\n";

if ($rank_name != "")
echo $rank_name . "<br />\n";

if ($rank_image != "")
echo "<img src=\"" . $rank_image . "\" alt=\"\" /><br /><br />\n";

if ($avatar != "")
if ($avatar_resize == "off") $ar_ok = 0;
else if (eregi("http://", $avatar) && $avatar_resize == "local") $ar_ok = 0;
else $ar_ok = 1;

if (!eregi("%20", $avatar) && $ar_ok == 1) list($w, $h, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($avatar);
if ($w != "" && $w <= $avatar_width) $width = "width=\"" . $w . "\" ";
else if ($w != "") $width = "width=\"" . $avatar_width . "\" ";
else $width = "";
echo "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" " . $width . "alt=\"\" /><br />\n";

$online_connect = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . NBCONNECTE_TABLE . " WHERE user_id = '" . $auteur_id . "'");
list($connect_id) = mysql_fetch_array($online_connect);

if($auteur_id == $connect_id)
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: limegreen;\"><b>" . _ONLINE2 . "</b></span>\n";
$online = _STATUT . " : <span style=\"color: red;\"><b>" . _OFFLINE . "</b></span>\n";

echo _MESSAGES . " : " . $nb_post . "<br />" . _REGISTERED . ": " . $date_member . "<br />" . $online . "<br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;
echo "<b>" . $auteur . "</b><br />\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo _IP . " : " . $auteur_ip;

echo "</td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"top\">\n"
. "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
. "<tr><td><img src=\"images/posticon.gif\" alt=\"\" />" . _POSTEDON . " " . $date . "  " . $attach_file . "</td><td align=\"right\">";

if ($closed == 0 && $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $visiteur >= $level)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=quote\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/quote.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLYQUOTE . "\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id == $user[0] || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&do=edit\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/edit.gif\" title=\"" . _EDITMESSAGE . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del&mess_id=" . $mess_id . "&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _DELMESSAGE . "\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr><tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><b>" . $title . "</b></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\">" . $txt . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";

if ($edition != "")
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td colspan=\"2\"><small><i>" . $edition . "</i></small></td></tr>\n";

if ($auteur_id != "" && $signature != "" && $usersig == 1)
echo "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"border-top: 1px dashed " . $color3 . ";\" colspan=\"2\">" . $signature . "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table></td></tr>\n"
. "<tr style=\"background: " . $color . ";\"><td style=\"width: 25%;\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"#top\"><b>" . _BACKTOTOP . "</b></a></td><td style=\"width: 75%;\" valign=\"bottom\">";

if ($auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Members&op=detail&autor=" . urlencode($autor) . "\" title=\"" . _SEEPROFIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/profile.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($user && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Userbox&op=post_message&for=" . $auteur_id . "\" title=\"" . _SENDPM . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/message.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($email != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\" title=\"" . _SENDEMAIL . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/email.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($homepage != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $homepage . "\" onclick=\"; return false;\" title=\"" . _SEEHOMEPAGE . " " . $autor . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/website.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($icq != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $icq . "&action=add\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/icq.gif\" title=\"" . $icq . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($msn != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $msn . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/msn.gif\" title=\"" . $msn . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($aim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . $aim . "&message=Hi+" . $aim . "+Are+you+there+?\" onclick=\"; return false;\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/aol.gif\" title=\"" . $aim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

if ($yim != "" && $auteur_id != "")
echo "<a href=\"" . $yim . "&src=pg\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/yim.gif\" title=\"" . $yim . "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

echo "</td></tr>\n";

echo "</table><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";

if ($highlight != "")
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&highlight=" . urlencode($highlight);
$url_page = "index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id;

if ($count > $nb_mess_for_mess)
number($count, $nb_mess_for_mess, $url_page);

echo "</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">";

if ($user[0] != "")
$sql_notify = mysql_query("SELECT emailnotify FROM " . FORUM_MESSAGES_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND auteur_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_notify = mysql_num_rows($sql_notify);

if ($user_notify > 0)
$inotify = 0;
while(list($notify) = mysql_fetch_array($sql_notify))
if ($notify == 1)


if ($inotify > 0)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=off&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYOFF . "</a><br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=notify&do=on&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\">" . _NOTIFYON . "</a><br />\n";



if ($level == 0 || $visiteur >= $level || $administrator == 1)
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/newthread.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _NEWSTOPIC . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 0 || $administrator == 1 || $visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum"))
echo "<a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&page=post&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/buttons/" . $language . "/reply.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _REPLY . "\" /></a>";


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";

if ($visiteur >= admin_mod("Forum") || $administrator == 1)
echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=del_topic&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_delete.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDEL . "\" /></a>"
. " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=move&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_move.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICMOVE . "\" /></a>";

if ($closed == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=open\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_unlock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUNLOCK . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=lock&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=close\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_lock.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICLOCK . "\" /></a>";

if ($annonce == 1)
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=down\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICDOWN . "\" /></a>";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?file=Forum&op=announce&forum_id=" . $forum_id . "&thread_id=" . $thread_id . "&do=up\"><img style=\"border: 0;\" src=\"modules/Forum/images/topic_up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . _TOPICUP . "\" /></a>";

if ($user)
$visit = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " WHERE thread_id = '" . $thread_id . "' AND forum_id = '" . $forum_id . "' AND user_id = '" . $user[0] . "'");
$user_visit = mysql_num_rows($visit);

if ($user_visit == 0)
$sql_visit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . FORUM_READ_TABLE . " ( `id` , `user_id` , `thread_id` , `forum_id` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $user[0] . "' , '" . $thread_id . "' , '" . $forum_id . "' )");
else if ($level_access == -1)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";

function resize_signature($img_sign)
global $sign_width;

$img_sign = checkimg($img_sign);
$ext = strrchr($img_sign, '.');
$ext = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));

if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") $test = 1;
else $test = 0;

if (!eregi("%20", $img_sign) && $test == 1) list($w_sign, $h_sign, $t_sign, $at_sign) = @getimagesize($img_sign);

if ($w_sign != "" && $w_sign <= $sign_width) $s_width = "width=\"" . $w_sign . "\" ";
else if ($w_sign != "") $s_width = "width=\"" . $sign_width . "\" ";
else $s_width = "";

$image_signature = "<img src=\"" . $img_sign . "\" " . $s_width . "alt=\"\" />";


Heryu Messages postés 567 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 juillet 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 juin 2016 62
20 août 2009 à 15:12
Et bah, si tu veux faire ta fusion, tu mets ce code la dans l'autre fichier pis point !