Caroussel en Jquery de quoi devenir fou !!

vlar Messages postés 2289 Date d'inscription vendredi 17 août 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 novembre 2013 - 26 mars 2010 à 11:30
vlar Messages postés 2289 Date d'inscription vendredi 17 août 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 novembre 2013 - 26 mars 2010 à 17:35
Bonjour à la communauté

Je deviens dingue sur l'insertion d'un caroussel 3D sur ma page.

Mes problèmes sont les suivant :

-position dans la page : il se superpose au contenu futur de mon site
-il tourne trop vite en mode continuous et le controle de la souris s'effectue sur toute la page ce qui est fatigant

---> ce que je veux c'est le positionner juste en dessous de la bannière et au dessus du contenu et en plus petit que celui affiché par défaut
---> je souhaiterais que ce soit la souris qui controle la rotation mais pas trop vite et uniquement lorsque la souris passe sur le caroussel et pas ailleurs . Ainsi, il faudrait definir un "mopuseover" limité à une portion de la page

Je vous serai immensément reconnaissant de jeter un oeil sur le script suivant pour m'expliquer ce que je dois modifier/ajouter

(function($) {


carousel3d: function(options) {

opt = $.extend({},$.carouselSetup.defaults, options); // extend options

$this = $(this);

opt.speed = parseInt(3 - opt.speed);
btnSpeed = Math.round(7 - opt.speed) * $.browser.msie ? 0.01 : 0.2; // original button speed
contSpeed = btnSpeed * $.browser.msie ? 0.5 : 0.15; // original continuous speed
opt.speed = opt.speed * $.browser.msie ? 2500 : 1500; // original mouse speed

$imgs = $('img', $this).hide(); // set variable with carousel images; hide for now
$texts = $('span', $('#carouselText')).hide(); // set variable with carousel text boxes; hide for now
if (opt.textBox && !$texts.size()) alert('<div id="carouselText" /> + <span>\'s. . . do not exist. either add them or set textBox option to 0');

items = $imgs.size(); // number of icons in carousel
numSlots = items * opt.padding; // in order for the movement to flow smoothly, there are additional 'slots' in the carousel which the images will pace through

if (opt.padding == 0) opt.padding = 1; // padding must be at least 1

$imgs.each(function(i) { new $.imageSetUp(this, i) }); // setup images
new $.carouselSetup(); // setup carousel

$.imageSetUp = function(im, _index) {

im.orig_w = $(im).width(), im.orig_h = $(im).height(); // save the original dimensions; used when image is clicked

var w_h = resize( im.orig_w, 128, im.orig_h, 108).split('|'); // calculate w/h of images in carousel
im.h = w_h[1], im.w = w_h[0];

im.slot = _index * opt.padding; // position of the image in the carousel
im.angle = parseInt(( _index * opt.padding ) * (( Math.PI * 2 ) / numSlots )*1000)/1000; // original angle of the image

im.clicked = { // css to animate when image is clicked
top: parseInt(opt.centerY - im.orig_h/3) + 'px',
left: parseInt(opt.centerX - im.orig_w/3) + 'px',
width: im.orig_w + 'px',
height: im.orig_h + 'px'
im.animateOn = function(el) { $imgs.fadeOut(700); el.animate( im.clicked, 500 ) }; // hide the carousel

new $.TextBoxSetUp(im, _index); // setup text box

$(im).attr('id', 'pix'+_index).css({position: 'absolute'}); // id will be referenced when moving the image

if ($(im).hasClass('link')) $(im).click( function(){$(this).attr('longdesc')) } );
else $(im).one('click', clickOn); // bind clickOn to image


$.TextBoxSetUp = function(im, _index) {
im.textClicked = { // css to animate when image is clicked
left: opt.centerX - opt.radiusX - im.w + 'px',
top: opt.centerY + 'px',
width: im.w + 'px',
height: im.h + 'px'
im.textBoxCss = { // textBox positioning css
top: opt.centerY *0.7 + 'px',
left: opt.centerX - opt.radiusX * 0.9 + 'px'
im.textAnimateOn = function(el) {
var msg = '';
if ( !$texts.size() ) msg += '<div id="carouselText" /> + <span>\'s. . . do not exist';
else if ( !$('#text').size() ) msg += '<div id="text" /> does not exist';
else {
el.animate( im.textClicked, 500 );
.css( im.textBoxCss )
.html( $texts.eq(_index).html() )
if (msg) alert( 'Cannot setup text box; ' + msg );


$.carouselSetup = function() {

var im, _t, _s;

if (opt.control=='buttons') controls();
else if (opt.control=='continuous') rate = btnSpeed *.3;
else $().mousemove(function(e) { rate = (e.pageX - opt.centerX) / opt.speed; });

// javascript Motion Tween by PHILIPPE MAEGERMAN; very similar to tweening in Flash.
// check out the full details at his site:
t1 = new Tween(new Object(), 'xyz', Tween.regularEaseInOut, 0, 10000, 10000);

t1.onMotionChanged = function(event) {
for (var j=0; j<items, im=$('#pix'+j)[0]; j++) {

im.slot = (im.slot == numSlots - 1) ? 0: im.slot++; // if image is in last slot, set as first slot; else advance 1 slot
_t = Math.sin(im.angle) * opt.radiusY + opt.centerY; // calculate top positioning
_s = ((_t - opt.perspective) / (opt.centerY + opt.radiusY - opt.perspective)); // calculate size of image based on position in carsousel

$(im).css({ // set css values for image
top: _t,
left: Math.cos(im.angle) * opt.radiusX + opt.centerX, // calculate left positioning
width: im.w * _s, // multiply image size by newly calculated size
height: im.h * _s,
zIndex: Math.round(_t)+100, // z-index makes front images fully visible
opacity: (opt.fadeEffect == 1) ? Math.sin(im.angle) : 1 }); // if fadeEffect is set, calculate opacity based on location in carousel

if (opt.fadeEffect == 1) {
$(im)[ Math.sin(im.angle)<=0 ? 'hide' : !$(im).is(':visible') ? 'show' : '' ];

im.angle += opt.control=='continuous' ? contSpeed : rate; // change image angle based on carousel speed

t1.start(); // start the motion
$imgs.fadeIn(1500); // fadeIn the images

var opt, numSlots, items, rate = contSpeed = btnSpeed = 0; // initialize variables

function clickOn() { // actions when image in carousel is clicked
var elem = this;
t1.stop(); // stop the Tween motion
$('#buttonwrapper:visible').fadeOut(); // hide the buttons

$cloned = // clone the image clicked and leave the original in place (this seemed easier than pulling the orig out of place)
$(this).clone().prependTo($this).click(function() { // add to carousel, when clicked again . . .
$imgs.fadeIn(); // show the carousel images
$(this) // animate back to carousel slot
left: $(elem).position().left + 'px', // change position
top: $(elem).position().top + 'px',
width: $(elem).width() + 'px', // and size
height: $(elem).height() + 'px'
}, function() {
$(this).remove(); // remove the cloned image,
$(elem).one('click', clickOn); // rebind the image click event,
t1.start(); // and restart carousel
$('#text:visible').fadeOut(); // if showing, hide the text box
$('#buttonwrapper:hidden').fadeIn(); // if hidden, show the buttons

(opt.textBox) ? elem.textAnimateOn($cloned) : elem.animateOn($cloned); // animate the clone; enlarge or position to side of text box

function controls() { // add button and functions
var btns = $('<div id="buttonwrapper" />').css({ left: opt.centerX+'px', top: opt.centerY*0.5+'px'}),
left_btn = $('<div id="left" />').hover(function(){rate=btnSpeed}, function(){rate=0}),
right_btn = $('<div id="right" />').hover(function(){rate=-btnSpeed}, function(){rate=0});
$this.prepend( btns.append( left_btn, right_btn ));

function resize(w, max_w, h, max_h) { // resize the images
if (w>max_w || h>max_h) {
var x_ratio = max_w / w;
var y_ratio = max_h / h;
if ((x_ratio * h) < max_h) return max_w + '|' + Math.ceil(x_ratio * h);
else return Math.ceil(y_ratio * w) + '|' + max_h;
else return w + '|' + h;

function resetAnimations() { // clicked images and text boxes must be repositioned after resizing screen
$imgs.each(function(i) {
this.clicked.left = parseInt(opt.centerX*1 - this.orig_w/2) + 'px';
this.textClicked.left = parseInt(opt.centerX*1 - opt.radiusX*1 - this.w*1) + 'px';
this.textBoxCss.left = parseInt(opt.centerX*1 - opt.radiusX*1) + 'px';

$(window).resize(function() {
opt.centerX = $this.offset().left+$this.width()/2;

$.carouselSetup.defaults = {
control: 'continuous', // 'button', 'mouse', or 'continuous' control
speed: 1, // speed of mouse or button. use scale of 1-5
radiusX: 250, // x radius of the carousel
radiusY: 30, // y radius of the carousel
centerX: 0, // x position on the screen
centerY: 250, // y position on the screen
perspective: 120, // perspective of the image as it travels around the carousel
padding: 24, // the more padding, the more precise the incremental movement,
// however this also create a lot more calculations
// to keep icons evenly spaced, the num of icons should be a multiple of the padding
fadeEffect: 0, // fade icons as cycle to the back of the carousel
textBox: 0 // 1 = display text area for each icon, 0 = no display



1 réponse

vlar Messages postés 2289 Date d'inscription vendredi 17 août 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 novembre 2013 621
26 mars 2010 à 17:35