Probleme au démarage de W98 en réseau

proy Messages postés 171 Date d'inscription mercredi 5 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2006 - 8 févr. 2005 à 11:16
 orson - 8 févr. 2005 à 17:19

Voila, un des PC de notre réseau ne propose plus le login réseau au démarrage. Ce PC est sous W98 et le serveur est sous Linux. Ce PC fonctionnait correctement, puis du jour au lendemain, le démarrage ne se fait plus correctement.

Le PC se lance en session windows normale, il faut faire "Démarrer/Déconnecté" et la il propose la connexion au réseau.

Les paramètres de configuration du réseau n'ont pas été modifié. La personne ne se souvient pas d'avoir installer quoi que ce soit avant que ca foire.

J'ai viré, avec MSConfig, tout les logiciels non obligatoires au boot, rien n'y fait.

Peut-être une valeur de la base de registre, mais la je ne sais pas quelle clef ni quelle valeur vérifier.

Qqun a une idée (a part de reformater, ou de changer d'OS)


3 réponses

Bonjour !
J'ai eu ce problème pendant des mois, qui était causé par la raison suivante: quand tu cliques sur menu/démarrer, sur l'onglet "déconnexion", as-tu "déconnexion" tout court ou "déconnexion de xxx" ? Si tu as "déconnexion" tout court, ton problème est connu chez windows: bulletin Q141858 , "No Windows or Network Logon Dialog Box at Startup".
Comment je l'ai résolu: il te faut aller dans la base de registre, utilise "regedit" (menu "éxécuter, regedit). Une fois dans la base de registre; cherche l'entrée suivante:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Network\Real Mode Net
En face de cette entrée de registre, tu verra: AutoLogon=xx
Supprime cela (tu colles le curseur dessus, et tu utilise la touche "suppr").
Tu quittes, tu reboote, et là, miracle, tu vois tous les PC de ton réseau, et tu retrouves, quand tu fais déconnexion, "déconnexion de xxx, xxx étant le nom d'utilisateur que tu as donné lors de l'installation de W98.

C'est ce qui a marché chez moi, j'avais le problème sur 2 PC sous W98SE.

J'espère que cela pourra t'aider.
Pour finir, le texte du bulletin Windows:
No Windows or Network Logon Dialog Box at Startup
Liste des produits concernés par cet article…
This article was previously published under Q141858
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry
When you start Windows, you may not receive a Windows or a network logon dialog box, or you may receive one of the following error messages:
No network provider accepted the given network path.

The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist.
Or, the Change Passwords tab may be missing from the Passwords Properties dialog box. Note that this symptom occurs only if the second cause listed below is in effect. In addition, if you are not prompted to log on and then you immediately log off, you will then receive a prompt to log on.
This behavior can occur if any of the following conditions exists:
· The Primary Network Logon setting is not set correctly.
· The following entry appears in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Network\Real Mode Net

NOTE: The AutoLogon value must be a BINARY value and must be set to 00 for automatic logon to work.
· : The AutoLogon value must be a BINARY value and must be set to 00 for automatic logon to work.You are logging on to a Novell NetWare network and the server you log on to is running multiple frame types.
· : The AutoLogon value must be a BINARY value and must be set to 00 for automatic logon to work.You are logging on to a Microsoft or NetWare network and you have cached your network password.
· : The AutoLogon value must be a BINARY value and must be set to 00 for automatic logon to work.The network adapter is improperly configured.
Use the troubleshooting steps that are listed below to resolve the problem. Make sure to restart Windows after each step and test to see if the problem is resolved.

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

NOTE: You can edit the registry by using System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) or Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Check with your network administrator before you make any changes to the registry.

System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) is available in the Admin\Apptools\Poledit folder on the Windows 95 CD-ROM. Use the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel to install System Policy Editor.

In Windows 98, System Policy Editor is available in the Tools\Reskit\Netadmin\Poledit folder on the Windows 98 CD-ROM.

NOTE: System Policy Editor is not included in the floppy disk version of Windows 95. You can download Policy.exe, a self-extracting file that contains Poledit.exe, from online services. For additional information about downloading Policy.exe, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
135315 CD-ROM Extras for Microsoft Windows 95 Update
Troubleshooting Steps
1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network. Click the appropriate setting in the Primary Network Logon box, and then click OK.
2. Delete the following entry in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Network\Real Mode Net

3. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network. Double-click IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol, click the Advanced tab, click Frame Type, change the value from Auto to the specific frame type that is running on the server you log on to, click OK, and then click OK. If you do not know which frame type is running on the server you log on to,contact your network administrator. Repeat this step as necessary, trying each frame type, to determine if selecting one of the frame types causes a network logon dialog box to appear at startup.
4. Disable the Automatic NetWare Login option by using either System Policy Editor (as described on page 515 of the Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit), or by using Registry Editor to add the following DWORD value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWNP32\NetworkProvider\DisableDefaultPasswords = 1
For additional information about troubleshooting problems related to enabling the Maximum Sockets or Maximum Connection setting, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
142489 Problems After Modifying Maximum Connections or Sockets Value
5. This issue can also occur if the following setting is listed in the registry under the following registry key:

Disable Password Caching
Whether the value is set to 0 or 1, remove it to resolve this issue.
If you right-click a NetWare server in Network Neighborhood and then click Attach As on the menu that appears, you have the option to save (or cache) your password. If you save the password, it is stored in your password cache file. If the Primary Network Logon box is not set to Client For NetWare Networks, you are not prompted to log on to your preferred server. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
127933 Err Msg: No Network Provider Accepted the Given Network Path
The information in this article applies to:
· Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
· Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
· Microsoft Windows 98
· Microsoft Windows 95
Last Reviewed: 12/10/2002 (1.0)
Keywords: kbnetwork kbprb kbWinME msnets win95 win98 win98se KB141858
proy Messages postés 171 Date d'inscription mercredi 5 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2006 11
8 févr. 2005 à 13:30
Merci de cette réponse,

je vais essayer ca des que je peux (le PC n'etant pas ici !)

proy Messages postés 171 Date d'inscription mercredi 5 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2006 11
8 févr. 2005 à 15:35
He bien
bonne nouvelle ca a fonctionné parfaitement !

Merci à toi Orson ! T'es un bon ;-)

Oh non, je suis loin d'être un bon, mais je ne suis qu'un teigneux qui a cherché comme un fou avec Google ce qui pouvait bien se passer, et qui finqalement a fini par trouver !!!!!
En règle générale, une recherche avec google aide souvent .

En tout cas, ravi que mon expérience ai servie à quelqu'un !!! Je sais que j'ai été utile aujourd'hui !!! GREAT !