Probleme concernant pnp nagios

l3chire Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription lundi 27 mai 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 mai 2013 - 27 mai 2013 à 12:00
l3chire Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription lundi 27 mai 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 mai 2013 - 30 mai 2013 à 22:16
bonjour , tout marche chez moi concernant nagios et pnp mais la seule chose qui m'empeche c'est un fichier qui compte le nombre de points d'acces connectés , ce fichier marche bien a part que je voulais qu'il m'affiche les performanches data alors les graphes sur pnp
merci pour vos reactions

3 réponses

IvyAlice Messages postés 379 Date d'inscription lundi 17 septembre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 septembre 2013 32
28 mai 2013 à 08:04

Si je comprends bien, tu as un fichier qui répertorie les points d'accès connecté, et tu souhaite en tirer un graphe de perf?
Que contient exactement ce fichier ? du texte (par exemple qui contient les noms des machines)
Comment est-ce que ce fichier est généré ? par des plugins nagios ?
Qu'est-ce que PNP ne fait pas actuellement et que tu souhaite afficher ?

Merci Ivy pour ta consideration
le fichier affiche sur nagios le nombre de points d'acces en texte mais moi je veux qu'il me genere des fichiers .xml et Rrd pour que je puisse voir les graphes sur pnp
d'apres ce que g lu sur d'autres forum je dois modifier ce fichier pour pouvopir generer des perf Data

, voila le fichier :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# ============================== INFO ========================================
# ============================================================================
# Version : 0.1
# Date : September 29 2012
# Author : Michiel Timmers ( michiel.timmers AT
# Licence : GPL - summary below
# ============================================================================
# ============================== SUMMARY =====================================
# ============================================================================
# Check for Ruckus ZoneDirector to monitor the number of AP's associated with
# the ZoneDirector
# Check the website for new versions.
# For comments, questions, problems and patches send me an
# e-mail (michiel.timmmers AT
# ============================================================================
# ============================== LICENCE =====================================
# ============================================================================
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>
# ============================================================================
# ============================== HELP ========================================
# ============================================================================
# Help : ./ --help
# ============================================================================

use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;
use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec";
#use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);

# ============================================================================
# ============================== NAGIOS VARIABLES ============================
# ============================================================================

my $TIMEOUT = 15; # This is the global script timeout, not the SNMP timeout
my %ERRORS = ('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4);
my @Nagios_state = ("UNKNOWN","OK","WARNING","CRITICAL"); # Nagios states coding

# ============================================================================
# ============================== OID VARIABLES ===============================
# ============================================================================

# System description
my $snmp_number_aps = ""; # Number of AP's associated

# ============================================================================
# ============================== GLOBAL VARIABLES ============================
# ============================================================================

my $Version = '0.1'; # Version number of this script
my $o_host = undef; # Hostname
my $o_community = undef; # Community
my $o_port = 161; # Port
my $o_help = undef; # Want some help ?
my $o_verb = undef; # Verbose mode
my $o_version = undef; # Print version
my $o_timeout = undef; # Timeout (Default 5)
my $o_version1 = undef; # Use SNMPv1
my $o_version2 = undef; # Use SNMPv2c
my $o_domain = undef; # Use IPv6
my $o_login = undef; # Login for SNMPv3
my $o_passwd = undef; # Pass for SNMPv3
my $v3protocols = undef; # V3 protocol list.
my $o_authproto = 'sha'; # Auth protocol
my $o_privproto = 'aes'; # Priv protocol
my $o_privpass = undef; # priv password
my $o_warning = undef; # Warning threshold
my $o_critical = undef; # Critical threshold
#my $o_perf = undef; #performance Data
# ============================================================================
# ============================== SUBROUTINES (FUNCTIONS) =====================
# ============================================================================

# Subroutine: Print version
sub p_version {
print "check_snmp_ruckuszd_numberofaps version : $Version\n";

# Subroutine: Print Usage
sub print_usage {
print "Usage: $0 [-v] -H <host> [-6] -C <snmp_community> [-2] -w <warning> -c <critical> | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L <authp>,<privp>]) [-p <port>] [-t <timeout>] [-V]\n";

# Subroutine: Check number
sub isnnum { # Return true if arg is not a number
my $num = shift;
if ( $num =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+)$/ ) { return 0 ;}
return 1;

# Subroutine: Set final status
sub set_status { # Return worst status with this order : OK, unknown, warning, critical
my $new_status = shift;
my $cur_status = shift;
if ($new_status == 1 && $cur_status != 2) {$cur_status = $new_status;}
if ($new_status == 2) {$cur_status = $new_status;}
if ($new_status == 3 && $cur_status == 0) {$cur_status = $new_status;}
return $cur_status;

# Subroutine: Check if SNMP table could be retrieved, otherwise give error
sub check_snmp_result {
my $snmp_table = shift;
my $snmp_error_mesg = shift;

# Check if table is defined and does not contain specified error message.
# Had to do string compare it will not work with a status code
if (!defined($snmp_table) && $snmp_error_mesg !~ /table is empty or does not exist/) {
printf("ERROR: ". $snmp_error_mesg . " : UNKNOWN\n");

# Subroutine: Print complete help
sub help {
print "\nSNMP Ruckus number AP's plugin for Nagios\nVersion: ",$Version,"\n\n";
print <<EOT;

-v, --verbose
Print extra debugging information
-h, --help
Print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
Hostname or IPv4/IPv6 address of host to check
-6, --use-ipv6
Use IPv6 connection
-C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME
Community name for the host's SNMP agent
-1, --v1
Use SNMPv1
-2, --v2c
Use SNMPv2c (default)
-l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD
Login and auth password for SNMPv3 authentication
If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv
-X, --privpass=PASSWD
Priv password for SNMPv3 (AuthPriv protocol)
-L, --protocols=<authproto>,<privproto>
<authproto> : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default sha)
<privproto> : Priv protocole (des|aes : default aes)
-P, --port=PORT
SNMP port (Default 161)
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)
-w, --warning
Set the minimal threshold for warning
-c, --critical
Set the minimal threshold for critical
-V, --version
Prints version number

- Check the website for new versions.
- For questions, problems and patches send me an e-mail (michiel.timmmers AT


# Subroutine: Verbose output
sub verb {
my $t=shift;
print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb);

# Subroutine: Verbose output
sub check_options {
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
'v' => \$o_verb, 'verbose' => \$o_verb,
'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help,
'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port,
'C:s' => \$o_community, 'community:s' => \$o_community,
'l:s' => \$o_login, 'login:s' => \$o_login,
'x:s' => \$o_passwd, 'passwd:s' => \$o_passwd,
'X:s' => \$o_privpass, 'privpass:s' => \$o_privpass,
'L:s' => \$v3protocols, 'protocols:s' => \$v3protocols,
't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version,
'6' => \$o_domain, 'use-ipv6' => \$o_domain,
'1' => \$o_version1, 'v1' => \$o_version1,
'2' => \$o_version2, 'v2c' => \$o_version2,
'w:i' => \$o_warning, 'warning:1' => \$o_warning,
'c:i' => \$o_critical, 'critical:1' => \$o_critical
#'f' => \$o_perf, 'perfparse' => \$o_perf,

# Basic checks
if (defined($o_timeout) && (isnnum($o_timeout) || ($o_timeout < 2) || ($o_timeout > 60))) {
print "Timeout must be >1 and <60 !\n";
if (!defined($o_timeout)) {
if (defined ($o_help) ) {

if (defined($o_version)) {

# check host and filter
if ( ! defined($o_host) ) {

# Check IPv6
if (defined ($o_domain)) {
} else {

# Check SNMP information
if ( !defined($o_community) && (!defined($o_login) || !defined($o_passwd)) ){
print "Put SNMP login info!\n";
if ((defined($o_login) || defined($o_passwd)) && (defined($o_community) || defined($o_version2)) ){
print "Can't mix SNMP v1,v2c,v3 protocols!\n";

# Check SNMPv3 information
if (defined ($v3protocols)) {
if (!defined($o_login)) {
print "Put SNMP V3 login info with protocols!\n";
my @v3proto=split(/,/,$v3protocols);
if ((defined ($v3proto[0])) && ($v3proto[0] ne "")) {
if (defined ($v3proto[1])) {
if ((defined ($v3proto[1])) && (!defined($o_privpass))) {
print "Put SNMP v3 priv login info with priv protocols!\n";

# Check SNMP information
if ( !defined($o_warning) || (!defined($o_critical)) ){
print "Put warning and critical threshold info!\n";


# ============================================================================
# ============================== MAIN ========================================
# ============================================================================


# Check gobal timeout if SNMP screws up
if (defined($TIMEOUT)) {
verb("Alarm at ".$TIMEOUT." + ".$o_timeout);
} else {
verb("no global timeout defined : ".$o_timeout." + 15");
alarm ($o_timeout+15);

# Report when the script gets "stuck" in a loop or takes to long
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print "UNKNOWN: Script timed out\n";

# Connect to host
my ($session,$error);
if (defined($o_login) && defined($o_passwd)) {
# SNMPv3 login
verb("SNMPv3 login");
if (!defined ($o_privpass)) {
# SNMPv3 login (Without encryption)
verb("SNMPv3 AuthNoPriv login : $o_login, $o_authproto");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-domain => $o_domain,
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 3,
-username => $o_login,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => $o_authproto,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
# SNMPv3 login (With encryption)
verb("SNMPv3 AuthPriv login : $o_login, $o_authproto, $o_privproto");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-domain => $o_domain,
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 3,
-username => $o_login,
-authpassword => $o_passwd,
-authprotocol => $o_authproto,
-privpassword => $o_privpass,
-privprotocol => $o_privproto,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
if ((defined ($o_version2)) || (!defined ($o_version1))) {
# SNMPv2 login
verb("SNMP v2c login");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-domain => $o_domain,
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 2,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout
} else {
# SNMPv1 login
verb("SNMP v1 login");
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-domain => $o_domain,
-hostname => $o_host,
-version => 1,
-community => $o_community,
-port => $o_port,
-timeout => $o_timeout

# Check if there are any problems with the session
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR opening session: %s.\n", $error);

my $exit_val=undef;

# ============================================================================
# ============================== CHECK SNMP UPTIME ===========================
# ============================================================================

# Define variables
my $output = "";
my $final_status = 0;
my $result_t;
my $index;
my @temp_oid;
my $day = 0;
my $hour = 0;
my $minute = 0;

# Get SNMP table(s) and check the result
$result_t = $session->get_request( Varbindlist => \@temp_oid);
my $number_ap = $$result_t{$snmp_number_aps};

# Clear the SNMP Transport Domain and any errors associated with the object.

if (defined($number_ap)){
if ($o_warning >= $number_ap){
$final_status = 1;
if ($o_critical >= $number_ap){
$final_status = 2;
#if (defined($o_perf)) {
#if (!defined($perf_output)) {$perf_output="";} else {$perf_output.=" ";}
#$perf_output.= "'cpu_usage'=". sprintf("%.0f",$found_value)."%;".$o_cpuL[0].";".$o_cpuL[1];
$output = "Nombre de points d'acces associes: ".$number_ap;

$final_status = 3;
$output = "Can't get SNMP uptime data";

if ($final_status == 3) {
print $output," : UNKNOWN\n";

if ($final_status == 2) {
print $output," : CRITICAL\n";

if ($final_status == 1) {
print $output," : WARNING\n";

print $output," : OK\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};

# ============================================================================
# ============================== NO CHECK DEFINED ============================
# ============================================================================

print "Unknown check type : UNKNOWN\n";
l3chire Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription lundi 27 mai 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 mai 2013
30 mai 2013 à 22:16
Resolé par moi meme en tt cas merci IvyAlice :)