Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

Samper - 13 juin 2009 à 16:36
 Utilisateur anonyme - 13 juin 2009 à 16:43

J'ai installé wamp5 et dans phpmyadmin il dit:
"Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole."

Et quand je vais mettre un mot de passe dans le
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'config';    // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']          = 'root';      // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = 'Password';          // MySQL password (only needed
                                                    // with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db']       = '';          // If set to a db-name, only
                                                    // this db is displayed in left frame
                                                    // It may also be an array of db-names, where sorting order is relevant.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose']       = '';          // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']         = 'phpmyadmin';          // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
                                                    // (see scripts/create_tables.sql)
                                                    //   - leave blank for no support
                                                    //     DEFAULT: 'phpmyadmin'

Il me dit dans phpmyadmin:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Comment réglé se problème?
Quelqu'un peut m'aider?

Merci d'avance

1 réponse

Utilisateur anonyme
13 juin 2009 à 16:43
si tu as besoin d'aide :